Introduction: How to Build Parallel Bars for Calisthenics

About: Freelance Filmmaker and Calisthenics enthusiast

In the video you can see step by step instructions on building your own backyard Parallel bars.

Step 1: Materials Used

  • Four 3 meter lengths of 3x3" wooden fence posts
  • Two 3 meter lengths of 1.5" Galvanised pipe

Step 2: Galvanised Pipe

Galvanised pipe 1.5"

Step 3: Wooden Posts

Wooden posts 3x3" wide

Step 4: Pre-Drilled Using an Offcut

Pre-drilled a cutout to make sure our galvanised pipe would fit securely

Step 5: Drilled Holes for Galvanised Pipe

Drilled the holes out for the galvanised pipe using a 32mil drill bit.

Step 6: Fitting the Galvanised Pipes

We drove the galvanised pipe through using the back of a hatchet.

Firstly make sure to drive it through the opposite post and then drive it back into the other.

This saves you driving the pipe almost entirely through one before it reaches the opposite hole - This would just cause too much stress on the timber and take far too long.

Step 7: Leveling the Posts

Make sure to level your posts off of each other ensuring your posts are securely level in the ground.

Step 8: Sanding

Once you've got your parallel bars built you'll want to further protect your wood against harsh weather.

So you can do a light/quick sand over all the posts before applying any paint.

Step 9: Painting

I painted my posts with generic green fence paint just to help it blend in with the surroundings and help treat the wood.

I applied two coats of paint as the first coat soaked in quite a bit. Two coats should be more than enough as fence posts will come treated.

Step 10: Now You're Ready to Hit the Bars!

If you have any questions related to the build, don't hesitate to leave them down in the comments section and I'll answer them as soon as possible.