Introduction: How to Carve Miniature Wooden Wizards

About: Just a guy who has a few hobbies

In this instructable I will show you how to carve these little Wizards. Any one can make these, they are very simple. I have this entered in the big and small contest if you could click the like and vote on it, it would be greatly appreciated!

Step 1:

You will need

- A Pencil

- Small rectangular piece of wood (I am using basswood)

- And a Carving Knife (I have a FlexCut Carving knife)

Step 2:

Start by going down about an inch (this will be the hat) and make a horizontal line with your pencil. Then make a second diagonal line going down about a quarter of a inch.

Step 3:

Now make a stop cut on the second line, then make a cut up to that line. (disregard the first line)

Step 4: Making the Nose

Go down a little and make a cut this will be the nose. Cut up to that cut make it as deep as you want the nose to be.

Step 5: The Eyes

Make two cuts one straight out then make one diagonally down.

Step 6: The Mustache/Beard

Draw on the mustache and make a cut down that line. Now make a cut around that to make it look 3D. Now draw on the beard and make a cut. Do that same cutting out around the beard to make it 3D. Now keep removing wood around the beard.

Step 7: The Hat

Make a cut above the first cut to make the rim of the hat. Now cut down to that cut. Start cutting down the hat until you are satisfied with it.

Step 8: Conclusion

I really like how the mini wizards turned out. Hope it worked for you!

Step 9: