Introduction: How to Change the Oil in a 2009 Dodge Pickup..5.7L Engine
The process of changing oil in any vehicle is very similar. Some are harder than other because of where things are placed and the complexity of different types of motors. However in the 2009 dodge pickups it is a pretty straight forward process. Everything is pretty easy to access which makes for a quick job. This is broken so that even a first time oil changer can get the job with ease. I've included pictures of everything that will be needed including: new oil filter, seven quarts of motorcraft 5w20, funnel, floor jack, jack stands, 9/16 inch end wrench, oil filter wrench, and a oil drain pan.
Step 1: Jack the Truck Up
Place the floor jack in the center of the front axle being sure that it is in a sturdy position. Jack the truck up far enough so that while you are underneath it is comfortable for you to work. Also be sure to place the jack perpendicular to the front end so that it will not interfere while removing the oil plug and the oil filter.
Step 2: Placing the Jack Stands
Place one jack stand on the inside of both front wheels underneath the front axle. Adjust the jack stands to the proper height so that if the floor jack would fail you would still be safe. You may have to adjust the floor jack a bit so that the jack stands can be placed securely. This is due to the fact that jack stands unlike a floor jack set at certain heights where as a floor jack will adjust to any height.
Step 3: Remove the Oil Drain Plug
Before removing the oil drain plug you need to be sure that you let your pickup sit for at least thirty minutes after driving. You need to do this because engine oil gets very hot while circulating through the motor. It gets hot enough to burn the skin. Prior to removing the plug place the oil drain pan underneath the plug so that it will catch the oil while draining. Use the 9/16 inch end wrench to loosen the plug. Then screw the plug the rest of the way out with your fingers being sure not to drop the plug into the oil drain pan.
Step 4: Removing the Oil Filter
The oil filter is located on the passenger side of the motor on the underneath side. It is very easy to see. Remove the oil filter with the oil filter wrench. Be sure to put the wrench on the right way so that when loosening the filter the wrench tighten on itself. Just remember righty tighty lefty loosy. Also be sure to place the oil drain pan underneath the filter while removing because there will be some oil that leaks out upon removing. Once you have removed the filter remove the oil drain pan out from underneath the pickup to be sure not to spill the old oil.
NOTE: Any oil that is spilt onto the floor during steps three and four use kitty litter to clean it up. Just spread the kitty litter over the spill and let sit so it can soak the oil up.
NOTE: Any oil that is spilt onto the floor during steps three and four use kitty litter to clean it up. Just spread the kitty litter over the spill and let sit so it can soak the oil up.
Step 5: Replace the Oil Drain Plug
The reason for removing the oil filter before replacing the oil drain plug is because if you replace the plug first it will sometimes create a vacuum which will not allow all the old oil to drain out. Screw the oil drain plug in finger tight. Then tighten it further with the 9/16 inch end wrench. Be sure not to over tighten the drain plug because if you snap the head off the plug it will make for a long job removing the plug out of the pan.
Step 6: Installing the New Oili Filter
Prior to installing the new oil filter you need to fill it around half full with new oil and lube the rubber seal on top of the filter with new oil so that the filter seal properly when screwed on. The purpose for filling the filter with new oil is so that after completion of changing the oil and starting your pickup it makes less time that the motor is running with out oil, and you only fill it half way so that when putting the filter on you do not spill oil everywhere. Only tighten the filter as tight as you can get it with your hand. Do not use the filter wrench to tighten the new filter, it will seal itself.
Step 7: Filling With New Oil
The dodge 5.4 liter engine requires seven quarts of 5w20 motor oil. I prefer to use motorcraft 5w20 motor oil. Remove the engine oil cap and place to funnel in the hole to be sure that you do not spill any oil and make a mess. After dumping all seven quarts into the motor let it settle for a few minutes to allow all the oil to run to the bottom of the motor. Do this so when you check the oil level it is reading accurate. Now remove the engine oil dipstick clean and replace. Be sure that when it is replaced that it is all the way in. Remove it again and read the oil level, it should say full.
Step 8: Finishing Up
Remove the jack stands from underneath the front axle. Then lower the floor jack letting the pickup back down to the ground. Be sure to do this before starting your pickup.
Step 9: In Conclusion
Now start your pickup while paying attention to the oil pressure gauge pictured below. It should look like the picture if everything is done properly. If it does not look like the gauge below immediately shut off your pickup and make sure that all the steps were completed properly. This process will take a beginner around forty-five minutes to an hour, after you have a few oil changes under your belt it can take as little as fifteen minutes.