Introduction: How to Clean Your 3DS.

About: I love making things the only problem is recording and publishing it all.

In this instructable i will be showing how to clean your 3ds!
                                                                                                                   My Friend Code is:0344-9510-2055

Step 1. Supplies.

1) 3ds

2) Glass Cleaner

3) Micro Fiber Towel

4) A small duster

For More Information about the 3ds Visit:

Step 1: Cleaning

2. Cleaning (1)

1) Take Your Glass Cleaner and Spray a Little on your micro fiber towel.

Step 2: Clean the Inside Body

3. Now You Want to Clean the Inner bottom body Of the 3ds

1)Take the towel and try to get all around the buttons and everything.

Step 3: Optional

4. Take any of your screen protectors off (Optional) 

1) Remove with your stylus your screen protector. After its off try cleaning the screen protector with the micro fiber towel

2) Use Your duster to dust off the screen and to get any missed dust particles

3) After cleaning put back on the screen protector

Step 4: Cleaning the Inner Top Portion

5. This is the same as the others but make sure you spray the towel again and use the duster .

1) Make sure you clean the inner camera

Step 5: Cleaning the Outer Body

6. This is the outer body of the 3ds this will be the most finger print prone area. 

1) Still using the towel which can be sprayed again rub off any finger prints on the top and bottom of the system