Introduction: How to Connect Flex Sensor to Arduino

About: An Hobbyist who is interested in Arduino and Electronics circuits and making an Projects an for final year students and helping out them in there Project, if you are looking for something related to Electronic…

Flex sensor is an type of sensor which gives an analog values based on the bending of the sensor. The Flex Sensor is a unique component that changes resistance when bent. An unflexed sensor has a nominal resistance of 10,000 ohms (10 K). As the flex sensor is bent the resistance gradually increases.

In this tutorial you will understand how to connect an flex sensor and based on the flex sensor value we can control the output device, here we are using Flex sensor as an input device which means we are taking an flex sensor value as input value and by using that we will be controlling an output device ie led, so in this tutorial we gonna control led using flex sensor

Step 1: Components Required

Hardware Components Required

1.Flex Sensor 2.2inch.


3.10k resistor.

4.LED470ohm ResistorJumper

5.WiresBread Board (Optional).


1. ArduinoIDE

Step 2: Connecting Flex and Led to Arduino

Make the connection as per the circuit diagram

Step 3: Code

Const int flex1 = A0;

Const int led = 8;

voidSetup ()


Serial.begin (9600); // Begin Function

pinMode (A0,INPUT); // Initializing Flex sensor as input

pinMode(8,OUTPUT); // Initializing LED as output


voidloop ()


int temp1 = analogRead (A0); // Reading sensor values

Serial.print ("Flex1 value = ");

Serial.println (temp1); // Printing Sensor value on Serial monitor

if(temp1 > 850)







Step 4: Result

Click on the link for video demonstration

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