Introduction: How to Control a High Current Linear Actuator Using WiFi
This Instructable will show you how to use Progressive Automations' PA-35 Wi-Fi control box to control actuators that require a large amount of current draw.
We will use the PA-17 Heavy Duty Linear Actuator as an example in this article. You can choose a control box rated to provide this much current, but what if you wanted the range and convenience of the Wi-Fi control box? The PA-35 Wi-Fi Control Box limits you to 10 Amps per channel. However, the solution to this problem is to use relays in conjunction with the control box, which allows you to control up to four actuators at any current rating, so long as the mechanical relays are rated to handle it.
·1 x PA-17 Heavy Duty Linear Actuator
·2 x SPDT 30A Mechanical Relays
·1 x PS-40-12 110-230VAC 40A Power Supply
·1 x AC-15 110-240VAC 10A Power Adapter
·1 x AC-17 Wiring Kit
·1 x PA-35 Wi-Fi Control Box
(Note: You can take +12V from the PS-40-12, as long as there is sufficient current to supply the actuators and control box.)
Step 1: Open Up Your WiFi Control Box
Unplug all power sources from the Wi-Fi control box before opening it up. From here, you can unscrew the 4 screws shown below.
Step 2: Access the Circuit Board
Once the cover is removed, unscrew the 3 screws to lift the circuit board.
Step 3: Partially Slide Out Your Circuit Board
Lift the side of the circuit board that is opposite of the LEDs. This is to ensure that the circuit board can slide out without bending the LEDs. Note that the circuit board does not need to be removed completely – enough space is required to have access to the connection on the side of the board.
Step 4: Prepping the Components
Once the circuit board is exposed, label the outputs for easier reference to the wiring diagrams of the physical circuit. The connections on the circuit board and labels are shown above for visualization. We can now gather all the components to be ready for preparation:
· Ensure all supplies are placed onto a workbench in an organized manner
· Identify the pin numbers of each component and note them down
· Have wire cutters, strippers, and crimpers at the ready
Step 5: Wiring the PA-35 Control Box
Wire the PA-35 Control Box as follows:
· Connect Positive [+] Input wire to +12 V [+]
· Connect Negative [-] Input wire to COM [-]
· Connect Pin A of Ch1+ to Pin 8 of Left Relay
· Connect Pin B of Ch1+ to Pin 7 of Left Relay
· Connect Pin A of Ch1- to Pin 8 of Right Relay
· Connect Pin B of Ch1- to Pin 7 of Right Relay
Step 6: Wiring the 12 VDC Heavy Duty Actuator
Wire the heavy-duty actuator as follows:
· Connect Positive [+] Input wire to Pin 5 of Left Relay
· Connect Negative [-] Input wire to Pin 5 of Right Relay
Step 7: Completing the Relay Wiring
Wire the remaining pins of each relay as follows:
· Connect Positive [+] 12 VDC to Pin 4 of Right Relay
· Connect Positive [+] 12 VDC to Pin 4 of Left Relay
· Connect COM [-] to Pin 1 of Right Relay
· Connect COM [-] to Pin 1 of Left Relay
Step 8: Activate Your Power Supply
When all wiring is complete, power up the PS-40-12 and connect the control box with your smartphone. We have included a video that explains how you can connect your Android/iOS device to the Wi-Fi Control Box!
If you'd like to browse our selection of linear actuators, motion control systems, and microcontrollers then please visit us at for all your actuator needs! We can even build a custom actuator or control system for you based on your custom specifications with the help of our highly trained staff of engineers. You can learn more about the custom order process right here!
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