Introduction: How to Create a Matrix Code in Notepad!!

About: I post how to videos on youtube and run my own business on the side making hand crafted keychains, Jewelry and other items. One of my main goals in life is to help as many people as I can and just knowing tha…

This Instructable will show you how to create a matrix code in notepad

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Step 1: Open Notepad

Windows 7

1. Open the Start Menu

2. Type Notepad in the Search Bar

3. Click on Notepad to open it

Windows 8

1. Method #1 : Side Bar

  • Drag your mouse over to the top right corner of your computer screen
  • Select Search
  • Type Notepad
  • Click on Notepad to open it

2. Method #2 : Start Menu

  • Click on the Start Menu Icon
  • Select Search
  • Type Notepad

-- You can also just type Notepad without selecting Search

  • Click on Notepad to open it

Step 2: Type Line #1

1. Type @echo off

2. Press Enter

Step 3: Type Line #2

1. Type color 02

2. Press Enter

Step 4: Type Line #3

1. Type : geeks

2. Press Enter

Step 5: Type Line #4

1. Type ehco %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random%

%random% %random% %random%

2. Press Enter

Step 6: Type Line #5

1. Type goto geeks

Step 7: Save Note

    1. Go to File

    2. Click on Save As

    • Instead of going to file and selecting save as, you can just simply press Ctrl + S on the keyboard

    3. Select All Files under Save as type

    4. Type Matrix.bat

    5. Click on Save

    6. Close Notepad

    Step 8: Execute Matrix Code

    1. Open File Explorer/Windows Explorer
    • If you have Windows 7 or earlier, it will be called Windows Explorer
    • If you have Windows 8 or 10, it will be called File Explorer

    2. Select the folder that you saved the note in

    3. Right click on the note

    4. Select Run as administrator

    • Click Yes if you get a pop up

    Step 9: How to Stop Matrix Falling Code

      1. Close the Command Prompt (Cmd) window