Introduction: How to Create a Share Website Using
Shutterfly offers a Share feature where members can create and publish websites. A popular component to the Share feature is the classroom website. Teachers can invite parents to view photos, review calendars, access resources and gain classroom information. Although the site has a tutorial guide, it can be a complicated process to customize the website. I developed the instructuble to help educators properly produce this resourceful tool.
Step 1: Sign Up for a Free Shutterfly Account at
Step 2: Upload Your Pictures to Shutterfly
a. Through computer: You can connect your phone or camera to the computer. Click ‘My Pictures’ - click ‘Upload’ - Select the folder and files you’d like to add to the website - click ‘Upload
b. Through app: Download Shutterfly app from app store - Open app - click ‘Upload’ - Select Phone Album - select photos - click ‘Upload’ - Identify folder location within Sutterfly website - Click ‘Upload’ - All uploaded pictures will have an orange box with an S in the lower right hand corner.
Step 3: Add Photo Captions
a. On the Shutterfly website, click ‘My Photos’ – Click the album.
b. Click the ‘Edit’ tab – ‘Edit Picture Caption’ - Type in ‘Name’ to rename the folder - click ‘Apply’
c. Click the ‘Edit’ tab – ‘Edit Picture Caption’ - Type in ‘Description’ to add a caption – Indicate if you want the new description added to the beginning of the description already developed or to replace the existing description - click ‘Apply’
d. To rename certain pictures and specific descriptions: Select the photos and repeat the previous steps (Edit—Edit picture caption—type in name/ description—Apply)
Step 4: Create a Share Site
a. Click ‘Share’ in the upper right hand corner
b. Click ‘Create a Site’
c. Decide what type of site you would like to create. This instructable is for a classroom site.
d. Identify your role, grade level, website name
e. Select the website design
f. Click ‘Create Site’
g. You can follow the Shutterfly Guide or complete the steps on your own.
h. List Teacher and Parent Volunteer Contacts and Click Continue
i. If you choose, post class list with parent contacts. Be sure to obtain parental permission prior to publishing this information. Click ‘Continue’
j. Add an event to the class calendar - click ‘Finish’
k. Click ‘Take me to my site.’
l. The site will alert you to add photos to the site. You can choose from the following options: My Computer, Shutterfly, Other Share Sites, Facebook, Instagram and Flickr.
Step 5: Add to the Website
a. Click ‘Add’ at the top of the page to add: Pictures, videos, pages, etc.
b. Click ‘Customize’ to edit the: page layout, page order, page style, site info, site style, site permissions, and email settings.
c. Determine the desired pages for the site: Photos and Videos, Calendar Volunteer, Class Lists and Contacts, Message Board, Cover Photos, Class news and Updates Entry, Useful Links and Files
d. Information can be added, moved or deleted by clicking the ‘Options’ tab
e. Pages can be deleted by clicking ‘Customize’
f. Pages can be edited by clicking the intended tab
Step 6: Add Cover Pictures to the Site
a. Roll over picture – click ‘Picture options’ – Click ‘layout options’ – select desired layout
b. Click ‘Change picture’ – select picture location – select picture – click ‘Done’
c. Click ‘Picture options’ – click ‘Edit picture’ – adjust position
Step 7: Adjust Page Permissions/ Email Settings
a. Click ‘Customize’ - click ‘Edit Site Permissions’—determine what permissions you would like to provide the users. Review content on each tab ‘Genera’; ‘Advanced’ and ‘Membership’
b. Click ‘Customize’ – click ‘Edit Email Settings’- determine the settings for ‘Email to Site’; ‘Email from Site’ and “Default Messages’ Settings include how often the site emails the members, what is sent to members and what is said in the emails.
Step 8: Add Members
a. Click ‘Members’- Click ‘Add members’
b. Type in email addresses using a comma between each email
c. Review the welcome message. (Default message can be set; review Step 6 b)
d. Click ‘Send’
Step 9: Review Members Status
a. Ensure members received invitation by Clicking “Show members list’
b. Scan ‘Digest frequency; Immediate notifications’
c. Correct emails with notification ‘(E-Mail Bouncing)’