Introduction: How to Divide: Simple Method

Division is a mathematical operation that distributes a group of objects or numbers into equal parts. Division can also be defined as splitting into equal parts or groups. It is the result of fair sharing. The main goal of division is how many things or objects will be shared fairly. Division is represented in math by the symbol ÷.

Children will master how to divide one and two digits by one digit in this workbook using a simple method explained in details

Division can be very complicated and difficult
for kids. In this short document, we will see a very simple method that helps kids learn how to divide numbers by one digit and two digits; however, the method can be extended to more than 2 digits.

Division operation constitutes of three main parts:

- Dividend : The Dividend is the number you are dividing

- Divisor : The Divisor is the number you are dividing by(with)

- Quotient : The Quotient is the final results from dividing Dividend by Divisor

- Remainder : Is the integer "left over" after dividing one integer by another

Step 1: Representation of Numbers

In this method, you will represent the number of divisors with squares in a table that is equal to the divisor number. For example, let’s say that the divisor is 2, then we need to draw 2 squares. If the divisor is 5, then draw 5 squares and so on…..., as shown in the above figures

Then set the dividend number to 1’s or circles with
numbers, meaning if we have Dividend 5=1+1+1+1+1 (5 1’s) or five circles as shown on figure (1) as well as for other numbers as:

6=1+1+1+1+1+1 (6 1’s or circle’s)

8=1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1 (8 1’s or circle’s)

We will put, for example, 6 divided by 3, we have three squares, then we will represent 6 by balls with numbers instead of 1’s as shown on the following image:


In order to perform division with remainder we need to add the remainder square, where we will put the left over number (which is the number of circles that’s less than the divisor number)

In this example, we have divisor 2, meaning we need to draw two squares, and dividend 7 can be written as 7=1+1+1+1+1+1+1 (7 1’s or circles)

Step 3:

Keep in mind that division by zero is not possible

To learn more and master division with several example click here

To learn and master how to add, subtract, and multiply fractions click here

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