Introduction: How to Fast

I've been fasting from Sunrise until sunset for 30 days a year for 3 years for my religion. I decided to teach people how to fast like me!

Step 1: Eat Plenty

Whether a 12-hour fast, a 24-hour fast, or a week-long fast, you need to fill yourself up to get ready. In my 12-hour fast experience, I eat a light breakfast and a few glasses of water. For a 24-hour fast, you may want to eat some more. For a weeklong fast, you may want to eat a horse and suck the Nile dry.

Step 2: Don't Eat.

Now for the main bulk of the fasting process. I'd say meat, but you won't be having any. You will now not eat or drink anything at all (except for a weeklong fast, in which you'll need to drink water so that you live.) Don't think about any food at all. If you need to, read and occupy yourself with other activities. I've never thought of breaking my fast, even working for 5 hours every Saturday at my family's Quizno's or at lunch in school.

Step 3: Pig Out!

You've just finished fasting! Now, you can pig out all you want! Get some food and stuff it down that piehole! Congratulations!

Step 4: Warning!

Do NOT fast to try and lose weight. It's unhealthy and you'll just gain it all back. However, if you really want to, be sure to drink plenty of water during your "fast"

If you feel that you may pass out or faint during your fast, ditch it and drink plenty of water and eat a snack.

Thanks for reading my instructable on how to fast! I hope you read my others!

Burning Questions: Round 6

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Burning Questions: Round 6