Introduction: How to Fix Your Scratches in a Macbook Screen
This is a guide how you can easy and cheap fix your scratches in your Macbook screen
Step 1: How It Looked Before
This is how my screen looked before.
Step 2: What Do You Need?
You just need some toothpaste, an old toothbrush and some soft cloth. I used tissue.
Step 3: Lets Start!
I cleaned the screen with some window cleaner.
Then I put on some toothpaste.
Step 4: Spread Out the Toothpaste
I used the toothbrush to spread the toothpaste on the screen.
Step 5: Polishing the Scratches Out.
I polished the screen with some soft cloth. I used tissues.
Its some work and you'll need perhaps 30 minutes but the result is awesome.
Don't get to fast to avoid damage the screen with heat.
Step 6: How to Video
This is a Youtube Video I made to show you what I did.
Step 7: The Result.
It's like new!
I am so happy with the result.
Help yourself!