Introduction: How to Fold a Flag

           Recently, we have seen some crude and careless flag-folding techniques that disrespects our nation's flag. This prompted us to instruct people on the importance of proper flag-folding. This is an important life skill, so pay attention. We hope that at the end of this Insructable, you'll know how to fold an American flag properly.

To properly fold a flag, one must have the right materials.
1. An American flag (recommended size: at least 2 feet by 1 foot).
2. Two people or a flat surface.


Step 1: Fold Flag in Half

     Fold  the flag long-ways (or hot dog) in half. Make sure the stars are in the upper left corner before you fold. Fold the top to the bottom. Make sure stars are on one end and the stripes are on the other.

Step 2: Flip Flag

     Flip the flag to where only stripes are showing. The opening should be on the top.

Step 3: Fold Again

     Fold the bottom to the top, once again in half. Once finished, you should have fourths and the stars on the left.

Step 4: Create Triangle

     Grab the top right corner (should be on striped side) and bring it over to the left above the left corner, creating a triangle.

Step 5: Bring Triangle Forward

     Bring the current triangle directly forward (towards the stars), still having a triangle.

Step 6: Create a New Triangle

    Bring the bottom left corner of the current triangle to the right side, making a new triangle.

Step 7: Fold Triangles

        Repeat steps 5, 6, and 7 until there is about hand-length of flag left on the top.

Step 8: Tucking

     Tuck the remaining room of the flag into the top slit facing the remaining room on the flag.
      This should make one big triangle.

Step 9: Final Product

     This is how a correctly folded flag should look like.

We are glad you learned how to properly fold a flag, and thank you for reading.