Introduction: How to Format Code on Discord (Mobile)
This instruction set is for people who code regularly and also uses the discord app.
This will teach you how to send text and then format it into any coding language you like.
Step 1: Open the Discord App
Simply open the discord app.
Step 2: Select a Discord Channel
Select the channel you wish to send a message to.
Step 3: Select the Chat Box
Select the chat box to open your keyboard and begin typing.
Step 4: Type a Back-tick
The method of typing a back-tick varies between operating systems and keyboards If you want to format a block of code, skip to step 8.
Warning: Finding the back-tick on certain keyboard can require several button selects to get to the correct page.
Step 5: Type the Text That You Want Formatted
Enter the text that you will be converting into code later.
Step 6: Type Another Back-tick at the End of Your Text
After entering the text, add a back-tick at the very end.
Step 7: Send the Text
Select the send icon.
Step 8: Type Three Back-ticks (For Formatting a Block of Code)
If you want to set a specific coding language, type in the name of the coding language directly after typing in the three back-ticks, then create a new line.
The following coding languages work on Discord: markdown, ruby, python, perl, css, json, java, javascript, cpp (C++), php.
Step 9: Paste or Type the Text Into Your Text Box
Simply paste (if you copied the text) or enter the text manually.
Step 10: Type Another Three Back-ticks at the End of the Text, Then Send the Text
Thanks for viewing my instructions set on how to format code on the Discord app.
I feel that many people in the computer science major are also gamers, and Discord is the perfect app for gamers
to communicate with one another. It only makes sense that code should also be used for communication between computer science majors.
You can see if your text has been properly formatted by comparing it to the text in the images. The font will change, and the text will be surrounded by a rectangle.