Introduction: How to Have a Relationship With God

I like to make stuff and I thought I would share how to build something that is The Ultimate and will last forever- a relationship with God!

Step 1: Why?

Now the first step to having a relationship with God is to answer the question Why? To be honest this is the hardest step, after that it is pretty easy.

So, let's get started...
Why would I need or want to have a relationship with God?
Because He wants to have a relationship with You!!

Why does He want to have a relationship with Me?
You know or can imagine what love feels like? Good-right?
Well, God is Love and loves You- He is ultimately Good!

Why are you describing God as a He?
Because that is how HE describes Himself.

Why would I believe that?
Because God sent us a message telling Us about Himself and even came Himself to tell Us the same message and make it possible for Us to know HIM.

Because We have a choice about Him and if We would like to have a relationship with Him.

Why is that?
Well since God loves Us, We can make a choice to know Him based on love- Love is a free choice after all- right?

Why would I want to choose this God?
Because He is True.

Why is God True?
Because He has never lied and has the proven power to do what He says He will do.

Why would I believe that?
Well, You are breathing right? Well, He made You to know Him which is Why You and I exist!

Now be honest, You and I could ask Why? all day long! The great thing is that if there is a question You have about having a relationship with God, You can ask Him now... Yes!

All You have to say is- God, if You exist show Me.

Sometimes there is a delay so hang tight and be open.

Alright, not so bad eh? And this was the biggest step... Now, if you are asking How is this going to work?

Please go to the next step!

Step 2: How?

So, We've worked on the Why? part and now We are going to see the How? part of a relationship with God.

Since this is a relationship there a few things You need to do to make it work, but these steps are for finding out how it works for Yourself. In fact, God Himself says taste and see that He is Good. Pretty intuitive eh? I thought so!

Ok, so Let's see How this works:

How do We know God?

1. He is God!
We can look around and see the projects He made including You and Me.

How can this be?

2. We are made like Him!
He said He made Us to know moral right and wrong just like Him.


3. We are separated from Him by Sin!
We all have chosen wrong which separates Us from Him since He has never done anything wrong- yep, He's Perfect.

How can God...?

4. God came and died for Our wrong choice!
He's God He can do anything! He sent His only representative Jesus Christ to die in Our place. Jesus is God in Human form- Wild!

How can this succeed?

5. God raised Him again from death!
God raised His Son Jesus Christ from death just like He said He would and He has the power to do it!

How does this all relate to Me?

6. Ask God to forgive You of Your Sin and receive Jesus Christ into Your heart NOW by asking Him to come in!

Well- Did You do it?

What do I do now?

7. You are now saved from a lack of a real relationship with Almighty God!

Go to the next STEP!

Step 3: What Now?

Are You still with Me?

Ok, so We talked about the Why? then the How?--

What Now?

Well, that is a great question.

If You agreed with God that:
You were not morally perfect like Him-
Accepted Jesus Christ's death and His power over it=
Received Him into Your Heart and Life by asking Him to come in..

Then You have begun a real relationship with a real Person- God!

So, You might ask...

What do I do now?
1. Read the Bible

What Chapters and Verses?
2. These are a good place to start...
Genesis chapter 3- Why it happened!
Isaiah 53: 1-12- God is True.
The Book of John- How it all went down!

What else?
3. Be baptized in water- Identify with Jesus' death and resurrection
Acts 2:38-39

What else now?
4. Receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit! Like team spirit you can Have God's Holy Spirit living in You!
Acts 10:44-48

Now What?
5. Ask Him to lead you in telling others about Him and how You came to know Him! You know God now- tell someone! You can do it!
Luke 8:26-39

What else do I do now?
6.Don't stop follwing the steps above!
Galatians 6:9

What do I have to look forward to now?
7. Heaven- Being with God through His Son Jesus Christ.
1John 5:11-14
John 14:1-4
John 17:3

You might have a million more questions, but now You have a relationship with God, so... Ask Him, Read the Bible and hang on tight to Him.

See You in Heaven!!