Introduction: How to Interface Dual Axis Joystick With Arduino Uno

About: Hi all, I'm Pawan Joshi who works on embedded system and IoT. I'm really passionate about embedded system and IoT. Here through this page you will come to know about embedded system from scratch to the latest …

Here we are going to interface one duel axis joystick with arduino uno. This joystick has two analogue pins for x axis and y axis and one digital pin for switch.

Step 1: Software Used:

Here we are using one software and that is Arduino IDE

Arduino IDE: You can download the latest Arduino IDE from this link:

Step 2: Components Used:

1) Arduino UNO: Arduino/Genuino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P (datasheet). It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz quartz crystal, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header and a reset button.

2) Duel axis Joystick: Arduino joystick module, it uses a biaxial potentiometer to control the X and Y axis. When pushed down, it activates a switch. Based on the PS2 controller's joystick, it's used to control a wide range of projects from RC vehicles to color LEDs.

3) Jumper Wires

Step 3: Circuit Diagram

Here in this case we have A4 and A5 of Arduino Uno for analogue pins of Joystick and one switch which is connected to 4th pin of Arduino Uno

Step 4: Code:

You can get the source code from our github link

Step 5: Video:

The whole Project Description is given in above video

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Embedotronics Technologies