Introduction: How to Jailbreak (Hack) an Ipod/Iphone
I know that you have seen someone that you know or heard of someone having one of these "jailbroken" iphones or ipod touch. Having a jailbroken one of these can save you tons of money too. The jailbroken versions can download free appstore app and can also download many other useful apps that are truly incredible. This will make your ipod fully customizable. The reason for creating this is because all of my friends in school have been asking me how to do this and I got tired of doing it so I made this to help them out and learn something new.
This will make your ipod much more worth what it used to be. Also this can be done on a windows or a mac. I will be using a pc but it is that same exact this on a mac.
***This will void your apple warranty, but really who cares? And all this warranty will cover is factory mistakes such as the screen stopping for no apparent reason. And if any of you were wondering it is perfectly legal to jailbreak an ipod but not to download free things that you should be paying for. Do this at your own risk; I am not responsible for anything that happens to your ipod. Nothing will go wrong if you follow these directions exactly, but if you have any questions then leave a comment. Now let's jailbreak our ipods.
This is also the fastest way out there to jailbreak your ipods and this will work on everything out there except for the 2nd generation ipod touch. But there is a way to do it will be on the home screen of the page that my link will take you to.
By the way the theme this is called acid trip, you can get it from cydia.
***Also you will need to have the most updated version of itunes for this to work also.
This will make your ipod much more worth what it used to be. Also this can be done on a windows or a mac. I will be using a pc but it is that same exact this on a mac.
***This will void your apple warranty, but really who cares? And all this warranty will cover is factory mistakes such as the screen stopping for no apparent reason. And if any of you were wondering it is perfectly legal to jailbreak an ipod but not to download free things that you should be paying for. Do this at your own risk; I am not responsible for anything that happens to your ipod. Nothing will go wrong if you follow these directions exactly, but if you have any questions then leave a comment. Now let's jailbreak our ipods.
This is also the fastest way out there to jailbreak your ipods and this will work on everything out there except for the 2nd generation ipod touch. But there is a way to do it will be on the home screen of the page that my link will take you to.
By the way the theme this is called acid trip, you can get it from cydia.
***Also you will need to have the most updated version of itunes for this to work also.
Step 1: Upgrading to Latest Firmware
Just go into the ipod section of itunes and press update and it will successfully do everything for you of course you will have to have your ipod plugged in for this.
Step 2: Getting the Software
Now go the same site and download the latest quickpwn software which at this time is 2.2.5-2. The site again is: . Then you will need to extract the contents of this folder. Then install it onto your computer which will take a matter of seconds. To install click on the pineapple icon in the extracted folder. Then click run. Now it will be up on the screen and just leave it there for later use.
***Also if you have an earlier version of this you need to delete it from your computer and restart or else this will not work. Now let's put this firmware onto your ipod.
***Also if you have an earlier version of this you need to delete it from your computer and restart or else this will not work. Now let's put this firmware onto your ipod.
Step 3: Jailbreak
***Throughout this process do not click onto anything on the computer or ipod that I or the quickpwn program does not tell you to click on or else you may have to start over. If you follow these directions exactly then everything will work out and you will have a jailbroken ipod.
Now go to the quickpwn file that you just downloaded and click onto that. Now when this screen comes up just connect your device which it should already be connected to restore your ipod to the 2.2.1 firmware. Then click continue on quickpwn, which is just clicking the blue arrow.
Only do this step if the blue arrow is not highlighted and if it is just click that and advance to the next step. Now click the browse IPSW button in the top right corner of the screen. Now find the firmware that you downloaded previously and click on it. Now it will confirm that the file is not corrupted, you will know this once the ipod has a green check on it. Then once the blue arrow is able to be clicked on, click on it and move forward.
Now you are on a screen that has boxes that you can check what you want I would suggest checking all of these boxes, or at least cydia. Then click the blue arrow and advance to the next step. Then it will make sure that your device is connected and it will take you to the next step.
At this point in time it will tell you a set of commands and it will the command it wants you to do will be highlighted on the quickpwn screen. These commands will be hold down home button for 5 second, the while holding the home button also hold down the sleep/awake button for ten seconds, then let go of the sleep/awake button and keep holding the home button. Now it will take over after about ten seconds of the last command and you will be able to let go. Now remember to leave everything up until your ipod completely restarts and everything works out correctly. Now move onto the next step.
Now go to the quickpwn file that you just downloaded and click onto that. Now when this screen comes up just connect your device which it should already be connected to restore your ipod to the 2.2.1 firmware. Then click continue on quickpwn, which is just clicking the blue arrow.
Only do this step if the blue arrow is not highlighted and if it is just click that and advance to the next step. Now click the browse IPSW button in the top right corner of the screen. Now find the firmware that you downloaded previously and click on it. Now it will confirm that the file is not corrupted, you will know this once the ipod has a green check on it. Then once the blue arrow is able to be clicked on, click on it and move forward.
Now you are on a screen that has boxes that you can check what you want I would suggest checking all of these boxes, or at least cydia. Then click the blue arrow and advance to the next step. Then it will make sure that your device is connected and it will take you to the next step.
At this point in time it will tell you a set of commands and it will the command it wants you to do will be highlighted on the quickpwn screen. These commands will be hold down home button for 5 second, the while holding the home button also hold down the sleep/awake button for ten seconds, then let go of the sleep/awake button and keep holding the home button. Now it will take over after about ten seconds of the last command and you will be able to let go. Now remember to leave everything up until your ipod completely restarts and everything works out correctly. Now move onto the next step.
Step 4: Sync
Now all that you have to do is sync your ipod back up with itunes and you are ready to go. So I hope that this worked out for you and if it didn't please leave a comment and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Also the first time that you open cydia it will ask you what you are I would say that you are a developer because it gives you the most options and more things to download.