Introduction: How to Liven Up a Boring Print
I came across this glicee canvas print and loved it at first, but then grew to feel that a little pizzazz couldn't hurt. If you're like me and become bored of you're decor from time to time, don't trash it up... flash it up! There is always a quick, simple way to quickly add new life and depth to a piece. You only need a couple things...
-A painting or print you'd like to amend
-Spray Paint
-Painter's Tape
-Well Ventilated Area
-A painting or print you'd like to amend
-Spray Paint
-Painter's Tape
-Well Ventilated Area
Step 1: Choose a Piece
City scenes are really quick and easy to revamp thanks to all the straight lines, and the fact that there is usually sky. It's always refreshing to modify the background.
Step 2: Brainstorm
It's a good idea to use a photo editing software to run through a couple ideas, this can save possible frustration and heartbreak. Like in my case I decided against this gradient.
Step 3: Choose Your Weapon
Pick out the proper spray paint. I visualized a metallic sky to add lighting and really make the buildings pop. Metallic gold is perfect for just this.
Step 4: Mask the Border
Pull out you're painter's tape. Concentrate on the border of the area you'll be spraying. It's easy to tear and snip small strips to cover up anything small that may be protruding.
Step 5: Mask the Rest
Now mask the rest of the piece however you'd like. Sometimes I overkill and go all out with tape to be safe, but its fine to tape scrap paper or cardboard around the perimeter.
Step 6: Paint and Peel
Spray horizontally across the area top to bottom to build up an even coat. Remove you're painter's tape and admire you're new creation.
The metallic gold in the sky turned out way better than I expected. The new lighting really throws the city at you from different angles when you move around and change your view.
The metallic gold in the sky turned out way better than I expected. The new lighting really throws the city at you from different angles when you move around and change your view.