Introduction: How to Make Arduino Based Edge Avoiding Robot

About: I am an Electronics Engineer and hobbyist......I'm interested in work in robotics and automation, I make projects using Arduino and other hardware. I love to share things which I learn.

Let's make a fully autonomous robot using Arduino and IR sensors. It explore the surface of table without falling. Watch video for more.

Step 1: Components Used

Step 2:

Take a piece of cardboard of dimension 135mm x 120mm. mark all dimensions as per given layout and cut it. Stick all cut part using hot glue. Stick both motors on their place. Fit wheels to both motors. Place IR sensors in front side of the robot body. Also fit two LED’s in front side. This LED’s are just for improving the look of robot you can skip this led if not available. Stick caster wheel in back side on bottom of robot body. Now place battery inside it. Keep max weight in back side of robot. Close the upper side of body by sticking upper pre cut cardboard piece.

Step 3:

Now take PCB some male female connectors and H-Bridge L293D motor driver IC. Solder all components as per given circuit diagram. Connect both motor to motor driver Board which we recently soldered. Connect both sensors to the board. Now all connections are done. Let’s upload the code, you can download code and circuit diagram from the link click here

Step 4:

Connect Arduino board to your pc. Select COM port and board type from tool menu. And click upload.

After uploading program to Arduino, we all done, now let’s test it. Connect battery to Arduino. Here I’m using 2 lithium ion cell connected in series and wrap them together by using insulation tape, so the voltage of this battery is 7.4 volt you can use 2s 7.4Volt lipo battery. Use supply voltage in between 6 to 9 volt. If you used higher voltage battery the speed of robot is higher and when it comes to edge it instantly apply break i.e. it revers it’s wheel rotation since it moving in higher speed the chance of falling it increases due to it’s forward inertia.

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