Introduction: How to Make Arduino Battery Tester
This build is made for the purpose of testing battery charges. Hardware setup should take roughly 10 - 15 minutes. The arduino code (direct copy) should take roughly 5 - 10 minutes. The code can be easily customized to your own liking.
1. Arduino Board
2. 1 D style Alkaline battery
3. 3 LED pins
4. 3 resistors
5. 1 battery case with 2 alligator clamps
6. 1 positive and 1 negative wire
7. 5 connective wire
Step 1: Hardware Setup
The following setup will allow the battery charge to be read by the computer and light LEDs based on the charge of the individual battery. The following are step by step instructions on how to build it:
1. Insert the battery into the battery holder, if not inserted already
2. Connect an alligator clamp to each end of the holder and set aside for later
3. On the arduino board, connect the red positive wire to the 5V port and, on the other end, connect the red wire to a positive port on the edge of the breadboard
4. Next, take the black wire and connect it to the GND port and, on the other end, connect the black wire next to the red wire using a negative port on the breadboard
5. Take one connective wire and connect it to the other GND port on the arduino board, and take a second wire connecting it to the A0 port on the board
6. Connect the positive alligator clamp to the unconnected end of the A0 wire, and connect the negative clamp to the unconnected end of the GND wire
7. With the remaining connective wires, insert them, side by side, into ports 13, 12, and 11
8. The opposite ends of these can be inserted into any breadboard input of your choice (i.e. f3)
9. With the LEDs, the longer prong should be inserted into a port in the same row as the connective wire (i.e. wire in port f1, LED in port h1)
10. Finally, with one end of the resistor, insert into the same row as the shorter prong of the LED (i.e. if shorter prong is in port f3, insert one end of resistor in port h3)
11. The other end of the resistor can be inserted into and adjacent port located in the negative column on the edge of the breadboard. Repeat steps 9 - 10 for the other LEDs.
12. Your arduino board is set up!
Step 2: Arduino Coding Process
The following steps will allow the hardware setup to read the charge of the battery and light the assigned LEDs as designed. The link above should download a file that will offer an example of code that is approved for this design. The example code has been commented for convenience.