How to Make Faces on Your Trees in 4 Easy Steps


Intro: How to Make Faces on Your Trees in 4 Easy Steps

This is a super fun, easy, messy, summertime activity, and all the supplies are right in your backyard! It is also a silly decoration for an outdoor event. For all ages too! It can be very detailed, or kept simple. (I choose to keep it simple because I do not consider myself very good at sculpting faces. ) You could even paint them if you want, but keep in mind that these will only be around for a couple of days, to a week, depending on where you put it and how much rain you get.This was very fun for me and I hope it will be for you too.

STEP 1: Finding and Mixing Your Clay

The clay I found in my backyard. You can usually find it in damp or wet places. Its color is a light grey when dryed and a very dark grey when very wet. Gather up as much as you think that you would need in a bucket, and also a bucket of water to keep on hand. To mix, add a small amount of water to your bucket of clay and mix either with a stick or with your hands. I like to mix it until it is about the consistency of polymer clay. Please note that even a small amount of water to a lot of clay will go a long way. Also grab any sticks or twigs that you would like to use as tools.

STEP 2: Finding the Perfect Tree

I suggest that you creat the face on the lightest color tree bark, because when it dries completely, it will be a very light grey. The lighter the tree it is, the more it will blend in. Once you've found your tree, you want to start smearing the clay all over the part that you want the face to be. Use water to help smear\blend in. By doing this, it will greatly help your face sculpture to stick to the tree.

STEP 3: Adding the Face

Add the face! Use water to help smear and blend in. Add eyes, mouth, eyelids, eyebrows, nose, teeth, and lips.

STEP 4: Add Details!

Add any other details that you would like! You also can use paint and sticks to make your creation really pop! My friends and I had a TON of fun making these. Here are pictures of the ones that my friends made along with mine!

*Note: once these are dry, they will crack, and won't stay around for too long. If weather is right, it can last a few weeks!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read through my Instructable! Have fun and God bless you!


bonjour a tous j'ai un pin parasol peut-on réaliser sur des écorses et aussi comme j'ai pas d'argile peut'on utliser du ciment merci a vous thierry
Love it! did it for Halloween! did you ever have a problem with mold underneath the clay? I'm worried about hurting the tree if I make a big face, as I live in Georgia where the humidity can be an issue...
This is excellent- you could do popup installations in local parks! Sadly clay is not common in my sandy soil area.
How about using “paper clay” instead if the impure clay? I haven"t tried it myself, but paper should dissolve over time, and doesn't crack the way the impure clay will.
Oh- I'll have to try that!
Not sure if paper mache would hold too much water and could cause tree to rot?
Using basically 'mud' it should wash off relatively quickly without causing permanebt damage?
If you consider, when paper gets wet it turns to mush and the weight will most probably cause it to fall off. Just don't use glue in the formula, as it then becomes papier-mâché and is more resistant to moisture. Try experimenting with bathroom tissue and facial tissues. If it needs more “stickiness” try mixing some flour into the paper mash.
I'm in Florida, same problem.
Can you use any type of clay? We don't have clay in our area. Only beach sand!
I have so much clay in my backyard, I haven't had to try anything else. Air dry clay from the store, or paper clay might work. You can experiment and let us know.
Is there a way to make a more permanent mix? Maybe some sort of mortar added to the clay? Or something a bit more flexible (the tree may grow over time)?
I haven't tried any other type of clay or mortar, but am interested to see if that would work.
OMG!!!! THIS IS THE CUTEST EVER!!!! I'm going to do this for sure!!!!!! AND...can't wait for my grand kids to be here to do their own! I'm going to do it on my fence that faces the alley! My neighbors with LOVE it! AND, make them smile!!!!!!! THANK YOU FOR THE IDEA!!!!!!
Wow! I never thought of doing it on a fence, that's a really good idea! Thanks so much for you really nice comment!
Got to agree with you, upvoted your comment
I love love love love this! Can't wait to be in the countryside to try it! Thank you !
Yes, but it takes a lot of rain. Normally it will last at least a month.
This is pretty good! Good luck in the contest :D
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