Introduction: How to Make Ginger Garlic Paste
- Ginger garlic paste is basic useful handy paste for all indian cuisines.It gives nice flavour to any dish.
-Home made ginger garlic paste can be prepared using fresh ginger and garlic.
- Half cup of peeled and chopped garlic cloves
- Half cup of peeled and chopped ginger
- Tsp oil
- Pinch of salt
- Pinch of turmeric powder
- Half teaspoon water
Step 1: Peel Ginger and Garlic
-I have taken almost 16 garlic cloves and 2 ginger pieces as shown in my images.
-Peel the skin of garlic cloves and ginger.
Step 2: Chop and Transfer to Blender
-Chop Peeled garlic cloves and ginger and transfer to blender
Step 3: Add Teaspoon Oil
-Add teaspoon oil to garlic cloves and ginger in blender.Oil acts as preservative.
Step 4: Blend to Coarse Paste and Add Salt ,turmeric
-First blend to coarse paste.After making coarse paste add half tea spoon water(dont add much water),pinch of salt and pinch of turmeric
Step 5: Blend to Semicoarse Paste
Blend again to semicoarse paste and store in airtight container .It can be stored in refrigerator for month.
-Do not add more water which will not give it more shelf life.