Introduction: How to Make Glowing Objects Using Resin

About: I am a father, husband, craftsman, artist, woodworker, furniture maker/designer, and overall DIY'er. Most of my projects involve making unique furniture incorporating many different designs, materials, and ele…

In this instructable, I show you how to make glowing objects using resin and glow in the dark powder.

Even if you don't need to make glowing objects, the techniques covered in this project can be directly translated toward other glow in the dark resin projects.

There are several things which are difficult to fully explain with words and images, so be sure to check out the video tutorial above.  


Step 1: Choose Silicone Mold

Epoxy Resin will not adhere to silicone, which makes it a perfect material for a resin casting project.

For this project, I used a Mickey ear silicone mold. Feel free to use whatever silicone mold fits your project best - there are plenty of options available on Amazon.

Step 2: Mix Epoxy Resin

The most important step of this project is to mix the epoxy resin according to the instructions from the manufacturer. Each resin has a different formula; therefore, it is vitally important to mix the resin appropriately for a successful project. Make sure the resin is completely mixed before proceeding to the next step.

Step 3: Add Glow Powder

After I mixed the resin, I added glow powder and mixed until the glow powder was fully dissolved. If the powder isn't fully dissolved, it will sink to the bottom after you pour it into the mold.

The glow powder is actually called photoluminescent powder. This type of powder is fantastic to use in epoxy resin, paint, and more. 

Essentially, the glow powder charges naturally from light and requires no batteries or charging.

Step 4: Or Add Pigment Powder

Instead of glow powder, you can use pigment powder or translucent dye to add color.

Step 5: Prepare Mold and Pour

To prepare the mold, I removed an dust and debris. Some people add a thin layer of wax to the silicone mold to make it easy to remove, but I don't think this is necessary.

Next, I poured the resin into the mold slowly and in a controlled manner.

The Mickey Mouse ear silicone mold I used is roughly 2" thick.  However, I recommend to fill it as deep as the epoxy resin allows. If the resin casting is too thick, the top of the mold won't have enough powder to glow.

Step 6: Remove Air Bubbles

After the resin is poured, I use my mini torch to remove bubbles from the resin. Also, a heat gun works to remove the resin bubbles as well.

First, keep the flame 5 inches away from the epoxy and get closer until bubbles begin to pop. Bubbles continue to rise to the surface for roughly 10 minutes after the resin is poured. I normally remove bubbles for every 2 to 3 minutes for 10 minutes.

Step 7: Remove From Mold

To remove the epoxy resin casting from the silicone mold, simply peel it back and the mold should release easily.

Step 8: Conclusion

I hope this instructable provided you with value. Please feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions - I'm happy to help.

Be sure to checkout my YouTube channel and my website for more DIY tutorials.