Introduction: How to Make Hello Kitty Turn Evil With a Batch File

Have you ever wanted to see Hello kitty turn evil?

Well here's how...

Step 1: Making the Program

1: Open notepad;


Download the files included and skip to step 10.

2a: Type in the following for firefox:

@echo off
SET BROWSER=firefox.exe


START %BROWSER% -new-tab "hellokittyp.html"

PING -n 1 -w 2700>nul

START %BROWSER% -new-tab "hellokittyevilp.html"

2b: Type in the following for chrome:

@echo off
SET BROWSER=chrome.exe


START %BROWSER% -new-tab "hellokittyp.html"

PING -n 1 -w 2700>nul

START %BROWSER% -new-tab "hellokittyevilp.html"

3: Save as Hello kitty.bat

4: Download hellokittyp.html

5: Save as hellokittyp.html

6: Download hellokittyevilp.html

7: Save as hellokittyevilp.html

8: Go to and save the picture as helloface.png

9: Go to and save the picture as helloevilface.png

10: Put all the files you saved/made onto your desktop.

11: Right-click on the Hello kitty file and click on new >> create shortcut.

12: Right click on the shortcut and click on properties.

13: Click on change icon.

14: Select the icon you want then click OK.

15: Click apply, then OK.

16: Double-click on the shortcut to start.

The folder below has all the files in it for downloading.