Introduction: How to Make LED ICE SKATE

About: Hi, I'm Eunchan Park from S.Korea. I have 3 missions Making Happy Things, Sharing How To Make Happy Things, Copying Happy Things Maker for the world's Happiness In order to pursue my mission, I have a big goal…

I put neopixel LEDs on my ice skate. Every time the microphone, which is connected with the Arduino board, hears any noisy sound. It sends a various signals to LEDs. It is easy to make, even for beginners. I shared codes and instructions. Let’s try it together!


Step 1: Preparing Parts

[ Parts and Tools ]


[About the Maker]

Select a waterproof product. There are many options to select it. Waterproof is better than a regular LED, but it could be more expensive. This project will be outside, particularly the icy environment. I highly recommend a waterproof version.

Step 2: Solder the Circuit Like This

Mic Sensor - D2

Neopixel - D3

Step 3: Glue It for Water Resistance

Hot melt glue is always good at insulating. It prevents the parts from wetting(even though it looks not beautiful)

Step 4: Attach It Onto Your Ice Skate

You can attach it by using hot melt but it turned out that it is not strong sticky especially under cold weather. I think I need to find more effective way.

Step 5: Field Test and Play!

I love this color!!

Step 6: Alternative Way

If you don’t want to make by yourselves, you can buy this product. But it is not be customized.

Remote Controller For WS2812B WS2812B LED Stip 60/M 5v USB battery