Introduction: How to Make Led Strip Flashing Easy
How to make led strip blink easy
Step 1: Usb Led Strip From RGB Strip
The easiest thing to make an led strip blink, in this case an usb led strip is to have or buy a controller from that RGB led controller,a power supply,power bank,or any USB power outlet and the led strip itself
Step 2: RGB Controller Close Look
As we can see in this picture here the controller has R-G-B and 5+ so we have 3 channel of negative and one positive so we can connect 3 usb strips or 3 usb flashlights, led bulbs anything that is powered by USB(5v)
and we will need a connector i have this from an old dvd,orif you whant the propper connector you can google them.
Step 3: Rgb Controller Test
We will plug in the controller in any usb power source and we will test the pins you should see on the multimeter 4-0-4 volts or close to this range and we can connect our led strip to any of this R-G-B in the video at the end of this tutorial i have connected to the R
Step 4: How to Make Led Strip Blink Easy
How to make any led strip blink easy parts:
Led strip(5v-12)
Rgb controller
Usb power bank
Step 5: Led Strip Blinking
- As you can see we have connected to the controller and our channel is working perfectly you can connect to any of the R G B as long you will take in to consideration that R G B are the minus terminals