Introduction: How to Make Paper Nerf Bullet Holders!!!!!

About: Game Nox is a Computer Game Company run by...who else? Me and a few friends and family. Visit my site!!
Okay, first of all let me tell you something. I am a totaly DIY kind of person. Comment me some links to your Instructables! I'll visit them and comment back.

Second of all, if you are a fan of Nerf, you'll love this. This case can be hidden as just a piece of paper on the ground. It's color can change so you can camoflauge it as part of a tree or something. I'm going to do it in white so you can see it. Real easy.

This can be used as a Nerf hat too!

Things Needed:
Hands =P
Nerf Bullets (or any foam bullets like Buzz-Bee or something.)
Gun (Again, any kind.)
Friends willing to fight!

Step 1: Make the Folds

Turn the paper horozontally an fold the paper on the short sides. See picture for help.

Then fold the flat parts together. See picture for help.

Step 2: Tape

Tape as shown below.

Step 3: Visit Nox Informer!

Visit Nox Informer click on the Turnout link to see the turnout of the Nerf war. It is the website to communicate with Game Nox.