Introduction: How to Make Remote Control Car at Home in Easy Way - DIY Wireless RC CAR
Hello friends in this instructable i will show you how to make a remote controlled rc car in easy way please continue reading...... This is a really cool project so please try to build one!
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Step 1: Hate Reading? Watch This Video Https:// complete video tutorial
Step 2: Materials Required
- DC Motors
- Popsicle Sticks
- Wheels
i have used 2 kinds of dc motors(since i didn't have 4 same types),motors are attached to the popsicle sticks,here popsicle stick will be the frame of our car
Step 3: Wheels
Since i've used 2 kinds of dc motors all 4 of them attached to the popsicle stick using hot glue and then wheels are attached
Step 4: Securing the Motors
The motors are secured to the frame using lots of hot glue
Step 5: Finishing Up Frame Work
The frame work is finished by attaching extra supports
Step 6: Wireless Receiver
- i used my spares of old rc car
- Connections between dc motors and receiver is made
- Battery along with switch is also added
Step 7: Rc Car Is Ready
- RC CAR is tested
- Transmitter/remote is used for controlling
- joystick up and down leads for forward and backward motion
- Left button is pushed turns powers only the single front wheel and the car takes a turn