Introduction: Audio Amplifier | Simple & Powerful
This amplifier is simple but pretty powerful, it uses just one MOSFET transistor in it.
Step 1: Watch the Video!
Step 2: Get the Main Components for This Project
- MOSFET transistor IRF540N (you can use similar N-Channel MOSFET)
- 47K 0.25W or 0.125W (it is not critical, you can use a 10K - 100K resistor)
- 12 Volts 21 Watt light bulb. A light bulb works as a powerful resistor. It is difficult to find for example a 21W resistor, that is why I use a lightbulb instead. You can use 1W - 40W light bulb. The more powerful light bulb you use the more powerful amplifier you'll get. But for a powerful amplifier you will need a powerful power source as well, and a big heatsink.
- 4.7uF capacitor. (2.2uF to 10uF capacitors will work fine as well)
- 1000uF capacitor. (470uF to 2200uF capacitors will work fine as well.
Both capacitors should be 16V or higher!
Electrolytic Capacitor:
Step 3: Get Additional Components
- Audio jack
- Heatsink
- Wires
Step 4: Assemble Components According to the Circuit
Step 5: Check the Wiring
Step 6: Connect a Power Source
The power source can be a 12V battery or a 12V DC power supply.
If you use a 21W lightbulb then your power supply has to provide at least 2A of current.
After you connect the power, the lightbulb should turn on.