Introduction: Audio Amplifier | Simple & Powerful

About: Creative Electrical Projects

This amplifier is simple but pretty powerful, it uses just one MOSFET transistor in it.

Step 1: Watch the Video!

Step 2: Get the Main Components for This Project

  1. MOSFET transistor IRF540N (you can use similar N-Channel MOSFET)
  2. 47K 0.25W or 0.125W (it is not critical, you can use a 10K - 100K resistor)
  3. 12 Volts 21 Watt light bulb. A light bulb works as a powerful resistor. It is difficult to find for example a 21W resistor, that is why I use a lightbulb instead. You can use 1W - 40W light bulb. The more powerful light bulb you use the more powerful amplifier you'll get. But for a powerful amplifier you will need a powerful power source as well, and a big heatsink.
  4. 4.7uF capacitor. (2.2uF to 10uF capacitors will work fine as well)
  5. 1000uF capacitor. (470uF to 2200uF capacitors will work fine as well.

Both capacitors should be 16V or higher!



Electrolytic Capacitor:

Step 3: Get Additional Components

  1. Audio jack
  2. Heatsink
  3. Wires

Step 4: Assemble Components According to the Circuit

Step 5: Check the Wiring

Step 6: Connect a Power Source

The power source can be a 12V battery or a 12V DC power supply.

If you use a 21W lightbulb then your power supply has to provide at least 2A of current.

After you connect the power, the lightbulb should turn on.

Step 7: Enjoy Result