Introduction: How to Make Your Own LED Light Up Shoes

About: I'm a young freelance designer. My passions are fashion and fitness. Hence, I enjoy designing new products and training/running - specifically high intensity interval training (like sprints). My favorite TV sh…

Check out the video to learn how to create your own LED Shoes.

Heres what you'll need:

Shoes: the thicker the sole the easier it will be to attach the LED Lights.

Battery and connector: Get one from you local hardware store or tear one out of another toy/item you own.

LED Light strip: Again you'll need to visit you local hardware store for this. Just make sure you grab a flexible strip though.

Conductive copper: To wire everything together. Aluminium works fine too.

Masking Tape: To hold everything in place.

Inline switch: To turn the your new LED light up shoes on and off.

See the video above to learn how to put everything together.

Enjoy: You can see some end results here.