Introduction: How to Make a Closed Terrarium for Free

About: I like to make things

This is a closed terrarium that anyone can make at home for free.


The only supplies you will need are a glass jar which could be from pickles or sauces, a plastic bag, and materials found outside.

Step 1: Collecting the Materials

You need to collect rocks, plants found outside, dirt, sticks (optional).

Step 2: Drainage Layer

Place small rocks to form a layer at the bottom then cut a circle the same diameter as the jar and poke lots of holes in it then place on top of the rocks.

Step 3: Adding Everything

Now add the dirt making sure not to displace the plastic separator, then add the plants and other decoration such as wood sticks or rocks. Once you are finished mist then put the top on and you don't have to take the top off

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