Introduction: How to Make a Floral Decorated Deer Skull

I made a decorated floral deer skull for my empty walls to fill any empty spaces! I personally think anyone could do this, because you can use a fake skull or real it doesn't matter!


I used fake flowers, hot glue gun, hot glue sticks, wire cutters, wire, and a deer skull. You can use pretty much anything when it comes to decorating skulls like strings, or anything that you would like to put on the antlers. I prefer to use flowers because it is easier than doing other decorations.

Step 1: Prep You Supplies

You will need to heat up the hot glue gun, and need to cut the steam off the flowers so you can glue them to the antlers or the skull. If you got other decorations like string you can size the string to the antlers how you would like the string to be whether you want it to hang down or wrap around the antler.

Step 2: Style

I prefer to go online and look at different types of ways to decorate the skull! I also think if you style it a few times you can find the style you like!

Step 3: Glue the Flowers

Once you find your style you can start gluing the flowers and other decorations of your choosing to the skull.

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