Introduction: How to Make a Free Energy Device Which Clones More Electromagnetic Waves.

About: Free energy researcher.

Pure resonance is the uncanny ability to make more from less.

Step 1: Free Energy Is Not Something Vague Nor Is It Out of the Ordinary.

Wikipedia calls free and unlimited power a constant current source ...

The internal resistance of an ideal current source is infinite. An independent current source with zero current is identical to an ideal open circuit. The voltage across an ideal current source is completely determined by the circuit it is connected to. When connected to a short circuit, there is zero voltage and thus zero power delivered. When connected to a load resistance, the voltage across the source approaches infinity as the load resistance approaches infinity (an open circuit). Thus, an ideal current source, if such a thing existed in reality, could supply unlimited power and so would represent an unlimited source of energy.

And their article on the Law of the Conservation of Energy allows for the non-conservation of energy ...

... systems which are not invariant under shifts in time (an example, systems with time dependent potential energy) do not exhibit conservation of energy ...

BTW, if that quotation sounds horrifically convoluted, it's due to the use of the double-negative: not invariant along with grammatical transposition. So to translate, it would be more clearly stated that ...

Variable energy does not conserve itself over time.

Lightning is a good example of systems with time dependent potential energy since so much of a thundercloud is the buildup of voltage over time. Here is a lightning oscillator ...

Step 2: Lightning Oscillator Movie

Loop this Lightning Animation...

Lightning can be simulated. Mother Nature performs parametric excitations all the time due to Her use of electrodynamic components made of flexible values. Unlike our rigid components, She can vary capacitance and inductance as readily as blowing a windstorm. This flexibility gives her ample opportunity to synthesize and demolish electricity using the ingredients of magnetism, electrostatics and time.

For more information, please scroll down and review...

Step 27: Parametric Excitation Via Capacitant or Inductive Variation

Step 3: Anatomy of a Thundercloud

Step 4: Simulating a Non-Overunity Surge in LTSpice

We can simulate an electrical surge in LTSpice which escalates its drain made upon its AC source without limit. This is not an overunity circuit since output does not exceed input. We call this type of surge pure resonance according to Prof. Arthur Mattuck of MIT OpenCourseWare.

Step 5: Creativity Plus Intelligence Equals Bliss

In the dual world of electrodynamic Tao lies the Yang and Yin of growth or decay resulting in the bliss of satisfaction. Our purpose cannot merely be to gain a state of equilibrium, for equilibrium would fail to inspire change. Change is what we want in order to fulfill our bliss. Hence, bliss is not a state of stasis. Rather, it is a constant fate in which change is the duty of our orderly existence.

Step 6: Entropy Is a Closed System

We can simulate the slow death of a finite power supply within a simple flashlight circuit despite the benefit we derive from its light.

But what can an energetic system close itself to? It can close itself to both: Energy and Intelligence.

Step 7: The Shiva Linga of Pure Intelligence Is Not Limited to Black Holes Swallowing Up the Universe

To think of material existence as being exclusively composed of energy and matter is to overlook the significance of empty space wherein the lack of stuff allows for the effulgence of Intelligence inherent in space among the molecules of matter. It is this emptiness which is the seat of the creative process for crafting circuits which can self-escalate without any sense for their safe welfare.

Electrodynamic intelligence is called: wave mechanics. Wave mechanics is not some thing. It is an abstraction of the dynamic structure of a wave which we can engineer on purpose with our circuitry. Wave mechanics can destroy a wave or it can clone another one. It can do this, because a wave in not a thing - it is a purpose for which a design is intended for energy to behave within the boundaries of. Thus, wave mechanics can destroy structured waves of energy as well as create wave structures for new ones to become embodied by however many valence electrons are available to temporarily detach themselves from the atoms of copper and iron, etc, within a circuit.

Energy cannot resist the urge to enter into a new wave. A wave commands the presence of energy to give that wave LIFE. Thus, it is not energy which can be created or destroyed. It is the wave which can be created or destroyed.

We have to allow for the limits of the materials of construction within a circuit. Wave mechanics is limitless, but the strength of electron bonds between two adjacent atoms of copper within a wire can only withstand so much abuse before they vaporize their bonds. So, infinite energy - in the real world - is ultimately not possible. Nikola Tesla discovered this by intentionally exploding wires while subjecting them to very high voltages, currents and/or frequencies in pursuit of learning their tolerance for embodying waves.

Step 8: Retroreflectors and Mirrors Are Examples of Intelligent Devices Which Can Modify a Wave

Wave mechanics allows for the conjugation of a wave such that a beam of light can become retroreflected back to its origin allowing us to see someone, or something, at night. Retroreflection can occur when we shine a light beam directly at a shiny surface, such as: a mirror. This is a perpendicular reflection at an angle of 90 degrees.

But a true retroreflector can send a light beam back to its source regardless of its angle of reflection.

Step 9: The Sabbath Was Not Made for Man. Man Was Made for the Sabbath.

Retroreflection is not what simple reflectors of polished surfaces do. A conventional reflector will deflect a beam of light off a reflective surface at an angle, but continue onward away from its source if the angle is not perpendicular (namely, not 90 degrees). This is called a bank shot when playing pool.

From this one example we see that a wave can be trained to do our bidding.

We are not at the mercy of our modern life. We are masters of it (in training ;-).

Step 10: My Apologies If I Am Boring You And/or Belaboring the Point.

I feel a thorough backdrop to my presentation is required due to our general lack of knowledge in which we criticize the wrong things and ignore the right things.

Too many times I've been criticized for breaking some law of physics when in fact I'm upholding the fine print of the very laws used against me in argumentative defense.

One good example - often overlooked - is that I've been criticized for taking advantage of the weaknesses inherent within Paul Falstad's Electronic Simulator.

But my detractors fail to appreciate that I'm limited to the resonance between the simulator's time frame and the resonance of the circuit.

Thus, if my lightning oscillator requires the simulator to operate at a one second time frame (in which mathematical calculations are performed by the simulator each second before plotting movement while it is running), then no one should be surprised since the resonant output of this imaginary device is once every leisurely 15 minutes comprising one of two halves of a 30 minute alternating cycle of polarity.

Step 11: Constant Current Whenever the Load Is Increased

Now, we get to the good stuff: fulfillment of the Wikipedia article I cited at the beginning of this instructable.

Using this circuit:, it is possible to initiate a surge which can power an inductive load (a coil of wire rated at one Henry) provided that the transformer is super-cooled to totally eliminate any internal resistance in its coils. Once started, the amperage on the two inductive loads (displayed in oscilloscopes at the bottom of the screen) will gradually increase unless their growth towards infinity is not accelerated by depressing the switch at the bottom of the circuit.

Opening the switch will reduce the voltage on these two inductors and slow down their rate of gain to previous default levels.

This circuit: represents what happens when the prior circuit, up above, is detached from its aerial and its transformer is allowed to return to normal room temperature.

And this circuit: simulates what happens when the load is increased. The result is that the rate of gain of amperage on the two inductive loads will slow down to a crawl so slow that any gain will not be very noticeable.

Step 12: Silent Partners

Many of my surge circuits exhibit an excess of voltage by conventional standards of expectation.

Normally, we expect a voltage of around 350 supplied by a fully charged battery pack in an EV running a motor consuming approximately 200 amps when accelerating up a hill. [My example is the RAV4 EV made by Toyota between 1998 and 2003.]

But what we fail to take into consideration is that self-runners are energy systems requiring a more wholistic viewpoint.

It takes a lot of pressure built up behind a dam to guarantee a steady flow of water to turn our hydroelectric power plants. If all we do is calculate the height of the falling water, and disregard the massive pressure behind the dam along with its mass of water, then it's no small wonder that we may become annoyed over a self-running energy system tending to accumulate a lot of electrical pressure (in the form of voltage) before it can even begin to leak a little of this pressure out as a flow of "free" current.

It's easy to amass a lot of voltage within a circuit. This is the only purpose behind a circuit's positive feedback and the ignorant reason for the jealous accusations of "perpetual motion" within a free energy machine's operation.

The only purpose behind the leakage of a little current to power a load is not to give us free energy (not that we don't want that free leakage of energy), but to sustain the constant buildup of voltage without suffering a resonant breakdown inside the circuit. This is the true meaning of ...

You can't have something for nothing.

Thus, free service pays for wealth while wealth pays for self-service.

Just as man was not made for the Sabbath, commerce is not the only way for becoming wealthy. Service free of commerce creates wealth by spurring growth. We call this latter form of self-less service: education to develop our intelligence and improve the wave mechanics of our circuits.

So, commerce is the act of feeding my face while teaching is the act of sharing.

Step 13: How Do You Like Your Energy? Status Quo or Teetering on the Brink of Disaster?

A flashlight circuit does not require any resonance to light its bulb. But a self-runner does. In fact, a self-sustaining circuit is a very tenuous thing always on the brink of too much or too little energy production. Wildfires, tornadoes, and spontaneous combustion are good examples of how a surging circuit has a mind of its own.

BTW, spontaneous combustion is the result of a surging electrical phenomenon inside a person, or thing, which precedes the oxidative event. Long before oxidation occurs, the electrical surge erupting prior to the onset of oxidation has already spun out of control toward disastrous proportions. Then.... Pfffff! There's nothing left to study.

But through the use of Paul Falstad's Electronic Simulator, I've been able to study these surges by first slowing them down and even stopping the simulation. That helps a lot!

Step 14: The Open Path Is the Secret to Perpetual Motion

Most people criticize perpetual motion machines, what I prefer to call 'self-runners', on the basis of false reasoning. These non-truths prejudice false observations arising from false outlooks, called: 'policies', entrenched in all of the physical sciences – particularly physics.

Their contention assumes that there is such a thing as a 'closed loop' in every electrical circuit.

The truth is that there is no such thing – ever – of a closed loop. Only open paths exist in all circuits. In other words, any circuit analysis is false if that circuit is not divided up into a composition of one or more branches of open paths.

There are a few reasons for my prejudice against this socially acceptable bias...

  1. Even the lowly flashlight circuit is composed of two open paths encompassing the load – involving a switch and a light bulb – and the battery.
  2. The dry cell battery is already one open path constructed of an oppositional pairing of voltage differences between its two terminals and separated by a specially devised membrane between its two materials. Let's assume, for this discussion, that these two materials are zinc and carbon.

  3. Not until we connect a battery to a load and turn on the switch do we come to appreciate that...

    1. The load can, now, engage a current arising from one battery terminal, coursing through the closed switch and light bulb, and terminating at the opposite terminal of the battery.

    2. But there is another flow of current inside the battery going in the opposite direction between the two terminals. This inverted direction of current-flow will raise the resistance inside the battery towards an infinite value and then suddenly drop to zero resistance resulting in a battery which has shorted itself out. If this were a rechargeable battery, then the presence of a short will permanently cancel our ability to recharge this battery. This battery is destroyed. We must throw it away. All the best 'reconditioners' on the market cannot possibly recover this battery from this self-induced oblivion.

My point is that only this latter analysis of a simple flashlight circuit does justice to it (in a very practical way) and to electrodynamic theory. For if we were to take the erroneously, ambiguous view that a simple flashlight circuit is a closed loop, then we would be derelict in our duty to maintain the health and welfare of the battery to which this circuit depends on.

Step 15: Perpetual Motion Cannot Sustain a Circuit

Either a circuit is running itself up towards infinity or else it is diminishing itself downwards toward becoming a 'dead' circuit. Either way, it cannot sustain perpetuity while engaging in a state of motion at the same time. This motion may be fast or slow by whatever standard we wish to judge it by.

Technically, we could say that even these two choices of escalation or diminishment can be considered two possibilities for perpetual motion to occur within a circuit.

The problem, for all practical purposes, is that when the circuit runs out of 'juice', it'll stop its perpetual motion. Oops...

And when it fries itself at some point, or blows up a component, or melts the insulation covering its coiled windings resulting in a short followed by either a surge escalating it even faster or else deadening the circuit to zero motion – either way, we've ruined the circuit by allowing this motion to perpetuate itself toward oblivion.

Not very useful unless the circuit is regulated by a clock timer or semi-regulated by the user.

Step 16: Newton's Cradle Is a Fine Example of the Conversion of Transverse Waves Into Longitudinal and Vice Versa.

A classic example of transverse waves on either end of this rocking cradle-action; and longitudinal waves among the spheres (in the middle) translating into each other due to the lack of freedom of movement, or abundance of restrictive pressure, in the central spheres.

A longitudinal wave is a shock wave which does not have to travel through its compressed medium (tsunami). Instead, it merely need resonate with the compressed medium, to avoid deflecting off of it. The compressed medium will move on behalf of the wave which it has absorbed. This is why longitudinal travels faster than transverse. It is the field of compression which moves, not the transverse wave which that field has absorbed. Transverse waves have room to wiggle..... So, they do so at both ends of Newton's Cradle. Yet, it is this ability to wobble, or wiggle, which allows for the loss, or dissipation, of momentum among transverse waves. The compressed field of central spheres, in this example of Newton's Cradle, have no where to wiggle and thus cannot dissipate energy. They must pass all of it along without displaying any behavioral indications of possessing any energy of their own. Thus, they remain motionless. Yet, we know the energy has passed through them, or how else can the sphere on the opposite side rise up as well as the first sphere has done?

Shortcut URL for this very important illustration of wave translation...

Step 17: No Thing of Substance or of Energy Travels Along a Wave. Information Is Not a Thing. Information Is Timing to a Wave and an Abstraction – an Idea – Which Travels Along the Length of a Wave.

It's true: we have an electric and a magnetic field each at right angles to each other oriented along the length of a wave – as in the case of a copper wire. But the energy of both the electric and magnetic fields are rising and falling within each atom of copper in a wire – not down its length. Timing is traveling down the length of a piece of wire just like precise timing travels around a stadium filled with people who agree to 'do the wave'. And this correct timing is the product of each individual keeping track of what's happening around them. This implies that electron volts are not the only cause of electric waves traveling around the nucleus of a copper atom. A kind of elementary consciousness resides in each electron keeping track of its neighboring electrons. How can this be?

Valence shells unite neighboring copper atoms by sharing electrons. And these valence shells are the source of all of the energy in a circuit in addition to: the iron atoms in a permanent magnet or the iron core of a coiled winding, plus the dielectric in any capacitors, plus the insulation around the surface of the wires, plus any ionic buildup of charge in the immediate environment, etc. It is this web of energized matter which constitutes a collection of intelligence due to its interconnectedness and the ability of each energized particle to respond to its environment of other energized particles.

Transverse waves and longitudinal waves are a byproduct of the collective activity of all of the energized matter in and around a circuit. And this collective activity is a byproduct of individual particles of matter interconnected and responsive to each other.

For example...

A transverse wave traveling along has a momentum and a frequency which will tend to remain unchanged unless acted upon by internal forces since there are no outside forces of any wave. All waves are an interconnected composition of smaller waves. And inside each wave are the particles of matter which 'feel' the collective activity of all of the other particles of matter comprising the entire composition of waves. This 'feeling' is the responsibility of each particle to correctly time its surges and diminishments so as to successfully participate in a wave traveling through it with correct and accurate timing.

A longitudinal wave traveling through either a compressed field or else through empty space is no different than a transverse wave having to leap across the empty space between any two points along a transverse wave (let's say, between two adjacent copper atoms in a wire). So, a transverse wave is a composition of innumerable longitudinal waves. And although a transverse wave is usually considered by us to complete a closed loop extending around a circuit (such as a simple flashlight circuit), any transverse wave can be broken down (for analysis) into innumerable longitudinal waves - each of which are open paths with a definitive beginning and a definitive terminus.

It is these open paths of each longitudinal wave which have the capacity to redefine the larger transverse wave which the smaller longitudinal wave is a mere part of. This is due to the fact that it doesn't matter what the internal composition of either a compressed medium, or else empty space, is made of.

For instance, in Newton's Cradle, there can be as many spheres from one to infinity and it'll still work the same. Yet, the potential for affecting the outcome is tremendous.

Think of selecting more than one sphere to lift upwards to begin a swinging sequence. We can do this if we have more spheres in the center to choose from. Now, with more than one sphere lifted up, an equal improvement of momentum will be transferred to each alternating side of free spheres rising up and falling down. This implies that an increase of mass in each atom along a wire, or else the entire collection of atoms making up a coil of wire (such as in a Newman device), will add to the momentum of a transverse wave traveling down a wire. This results in an acceleration of drainage made upon 'conventional' sources of power, such as an AC or DC power supply. This is the simplest attempt at creating a 'free energy' device which fails at achieving overunity in which energy OUT does not (yet) surpass energy IN. Instead, the voltage source no longer controls its loss of amperage. And adding additional loads are not required to accelerate a load's drainage. The circuit, alone, creates this by 'faking' the manifestation of additional loads by becoming its own load far in excess of any additional load which we have attached to a circuit.

I've seen this happen so many times...

Here is a circuit simulation in which increased drainage from the source is far in excess of any gainful output...

In other words, wave behavior in one section of a circuit can potentially dominate wave behavior in any other section of a circuit. A circuit can dominate its source and its load by causing the source to feed an ever rising current to the circuit with absolutely no gain to its load. Or a circuit can replace the source by amassing its own surge of voltage, within itself, to supply the load independent of any source.

The first click of the switch engages this next circuit in an act of draining the source faster than its consumption of energy in multiple loads while the second click of the switch improves output greater than input - overunity and more energy OUT than energy IN - to the point of uncontrollable expansion of gainful OUTPUT...

So, the inverse is just as possible in which the circuit, alone, 'clones' the addition of voltage sources (within itself) improving a gainful output of current, volts and ultimately watts.

Step 18: Consensus Is Not the Answer. Observation Derived From Experience Is.

Here are two dynamic illustrations, simulated in LTSpice, of how a bypass capacitor may or may not suppress back EMFgenerated by an inductor.

Micro-Cap describes ideal capacitors as being similar to shock absorbers. A large capacitor, of 10 Farads, is labeled C1 in the First Figure. Its oscilloscope trace is in yellow and labeled V(1) in its uppermost pane.

The 0.01 pico Farad capacitor, labeled C1 in the Second Figure, actually enhances back EMF. This is similar to a damped diaphragm discharging an incoming impulse in both directions only once from both sides of the dielectric. This shows up as Giga volt discharges above and below the oscilloscope's baseline of zero volts in the uppermost pane of Second Figure labeled V(1) and traced in yellow.

Compare this to Joseph Newman's device in which a large voltage builds up in his primary coil dissipating some of that charge into its extensive surface area.

My intention in drawing this analogy is to give credit to Joseph Newman for developing a motor that acts like a bypass capacitor of very low capacitance to its immediate surroundings. This serves as the foundation for his primary coil accumulating voltage larger than his DC of batteries connected in series.

If we examine the test procedures of the National Bureau of Standards—{F1} as admitted by them on their website publication of their report—{F2} (intended for the Patent Office to put to rest Joseph's claims of overunity for his device), we find that they short circuited his primary coil by connecting it to their test load. Since the test load offered far less resistance than the primary coil on Joseph's device, and since current follows the path of least resistance, and since Joseph gave accurate directions to the examiners (as well as in his book) on how to connect test loads, I can only conclude that the NBS suffered a lapse in memory of simple electrical theory.

F1. The Energy Machine of Joe Newman Abstracted from an article in the May 1987 issue of Discover Magazine. This is an example of the loss of voltage whenever a HV coil is grounded to Earth by the National Bureau of Standards.

F2. NBSIR 86-3405 - Report of Tests on Joseph Newman's Device, IntroductionThe National Bureau of Standards provided the resistive load which was connected in parallel with the coil. – This is an example of current wanting to take the path of least resistance through a parallel resistive load, bypassing the coil (of greater resistance than their test load) to a significant degree by cleverly shorting said coil to itself and prevent accumulation of HV. Nice going, guys! Had they used a bypass filter between the coil and a grounded path to Earth, and placed their test load inline with the filter, or – in the alternative – perform their test as Newman advises in his book by wrapping a shorter length of secondary coil around the larger primary coil and placing the test load only inline with this secondary and isolated from the primary, then it's entirely possible that the NBS would have produced more accurate results.

Step 19: Revisiting Joseph Newman's Motor

The secret is no longer a mystery. All of the extra power comes from the rotating permanent magnet acting as a transmitting antenna. The coil is the receiving antenna. Both are mutually in sync due to their regulation by the commutator. The battery pack merely powers the circuit in such a way that the coil can acquire the power from the spinning magnet and retain it. Any excess current is applied to recharging the batteries. Any excess voltage is accumulated and retained by the coil. The rotating magnetic field of the bar magnet is not unlike Tesla's invention which we have come to know as the AC generator / motor. Although people, who consider themselves to be knowledgeable about this stuff, will claim that magnets are not energy sources, spinning magnets are. That's what drives this device - not the battery pack as Newman would have you believe. Thus, this is not an overunity device and should be awarded a posthumous patent by the US Patent Office.

Step 20: Analyzing Open Paths in a 'House of Mirrors' Circuit

The magenta colored lines above the 720 Farad capacitors draw our attention to these two components which entertain absolutely no amperage, voltage or watts when the browser's cursor is hovered over them while looking in the lower right corner of the blackened canvas to see what their oscilloscope readout tells us.

Yet, a constant current flows from their outer-most node toward their inner-most node adjacent to the top of either side of the transformer which stands between them – as indicated by the solid blue lines.

The right-most flow is in a clockwise direction. The left-most flow is counter-clockwise.

Their flow of current appears to be arising from out of no where and disappearing into likewise suggesting the creation and destruction of energy. But this is not a correct analysis.

Their voltage-oriented waveforms are being constantly created and destroyed, not their power.

These are voltage-oriented waveforms which are created by the circuit at the two outer-most nodes of each of these two capacitors. Since a voltage potential must also contain an amperage to exhibit power, and since we have provided a path for the flow of current, then amperage must enter into these waveforms.

The source of this amperage is not provided by any circular flow. It is provided by a slight conversion occurring from the excess voltage buildup at the outer-most nodes on either side of these two capacitors. The terminus of these two flows of current is where the amperage is converted back into voltage. But since voltage-oriented waveforms are constantly being destroyed, at the terminus of these two flows of current adjacent to either side of the central transformer, there is never any excessive buildup of voltage at these two terminal nodes which could possibly exceed the voltage at the starting nodes. Thus, there is never any self-induced stoppage, nor lessening, nor reversal of current-flow. And thus, there is a perpetual flow of constant current along these two open paths. Voila!

The proper analysis of all currents flowing inside this circuit – some of which are flowing contrary to the direction of flow immediately adjacent to them along the same wire, such as: the other blue lines drawn in my diagram, displayed above – is to imagine that each starting point and its paired terminus of each and every open path of current must have a differential of voltage which propels that current to flow. Thus, a map could be drawn – not merely of current flows, but – of voltage gradients across the entire circuit. Additionally, a dynamic pattern must be drawn, as well, of voltage-oriented waveforms being created and destroyed throughout the circuit. And additionally, another dynamic pattern can be drawn of amperage being converted out of, and into, voltage gradients.

Not all creation of waveforms need be voltage-oriented. The inverse could be amperage-oriented waveforms in the case of Tibor Kemeny's battery swapping circuit and similarly in John Bedini's version of the same concept.

Step 21: Some Places Within a Circuit Are More Favorable for Negative Resistance to Dominate Over Regular Resistance.

Negative resistance exists everywhere in a circuit. So does normal resistance. They coexist, together. But one, or the other, will appear to dominate at various locations within a circuit as well as at each node in the circuit's layout. I discovered this while studying op amps. There is one location in the circuit, displayed above, which possesses the potential capacity to override the normal resistance of both itself and of every other component in the circuit such that if I alter the value for that resistor and/or place a gas discharge tube there, then the power delivered to the inductive load at the far right escalates even faster than before. But it can also diminish if I leave out the neon bulb and just modify the resistor's value slightly upward.

Step 22: A Diagram for Modifying Resistance in an Op Amp

This diagram exhibits a couple of options for modifying gain - at the coil to the far right - by way of escalating or diminishing that output and the additional possibility of accelerating either trend. This ability for modifying output is in the area outlined in red. What we do, here, will affect the entire circuit. This is a very important leveraging tool which sometimes lurks, unbeknownst to ourselves, tucked away in a circuit.

Step 23: Pierce-Arrow EV Experiment of Nikola Tesla in 1931

Since many individuals have speculated what happened, if anything happened at all, when this momentous event took place, I submit to you my version of what might have happened...

Tesla decided to scale down his endeavors of producing unlimited power for mass consumption since the whole Wardenclyffe fiasco ended his career as a patronized research scientist when JP Morgan pulled out his support of Tesla. This occurred when Morgan got wind of Tesla's intention to give away electrical energy for free to everyone on the planet using Tesla's latest development of impulse power pumped into the Earth at the Earth's resonant frequency. This frequency was required in order to make the solar energy reaching the Earth directly utilizable by anyone anywhere resonating at the same frequency as his impulse generation equipment was operating in at the Niagara Falls power plant and from two other fail safe locations: one in South Africa and another somewhere in Asia. This invention of Tesla goes way beyond our use of solar cells, because this is a direct conversion of solar energy stored in the Earth rather than charging up both sides of a solar cell with a voltage difference delivered to a bank of storage batteries as we perform by our modern equipment devoted to the collection of solar rays.

He had probably tried many versions of this concept of the miniaturization of his skills to help him reach people in a more practical manner. One such methodology was the so-called Pierce-Arrow EV experiment of 1931.

Tesla allegedly took a 4,000 pound luxury vehicle, had its engine removed and replaced with an AC motor, installed two high voltage cables connected to this motor which led into the front seat area of the passenger compartment whereat he hooked up a box containing a mysterious circuit he had built in his hotel room comprising twelve vacuum tubes, assorted resistors and some wire. He sat down into the driver's seat of this car with his box either on his lap or else was inserted into the glove compartment area (depending on which version of this story we use as our reference), surveyed some meters installed on the dashboard, pushed in two aluminum rods sticking out of the box and pronounced those famous words attributed to him: "We now have power", and proceeded to drive in excess of 90 miles an hour for several days with the help of another driver, a Mr. Sarvo, who told this story many years later to a reporter or biographer (I don't remember which). At the end of this experiment, the car was parked in a barn outside of Buffalo, New York, where these experiments occurred and then shipped to a Tesla museum somewhere in Europe, but not after he first removed his precious box and we never heard another word of any further development of this technique.

There are several varieties of speculation on the Internet as to how did Tesla manage to pull this off. The most popular version is that he was broadcasting power from his laboratory in New York city and the car was wirelessly receiving this power. There's another version which manages to somehow produce its own power from within itself using the alternator and ignition coil remaining under the hood used by the prior engine that had been removed.

But I hold that it was a different arrangement more along the lines of what Eric Dollard has said concerning Tesla's Magnifying Transmitter used at Wardenclyffe and confirmed during his experiments at Colorado Springs, Colorado, where he had worked out the details of his wireless transmission of power.

Eric has shown in his Borderlands videos from the 1980s... a simple arrangement of capacitors and coils, called his: analog computer in either Transverse Electromagnetic (TEM) mode or else in Longitudinal Magneto-Dielectric (LMD) mode, can successfully replicate Tesla's more sophisticated Magnifying Transmitter (TMT) used for the wireless transmission of power. And I have it from a supporter who sells scaled down models of the TMT that this concept of Eric is the only way to actively measure the dynamics of the TMT without damaging its behavior while it is running indicating that it can also duplicate in simple format what the more complicated TMT can perform.

Taking this view of Eric's to heart, I've always suspected that this concept can be applied to the electric car to at least increase its range per charge of its battery pack or else I would never had bought a 2002 RAV4 EV in support of my view that electric is the way to go in our modern world and burning any fossil fuel is reaching for archaic methods of power generation.

To fulfill this purpose, I've managed to simulate what I consider to be what was inside of Tesla's mysterious box during his 1931 experiment...

{redirects to...}

What inspired me to do this simulation was a three hour lecture...

...given to the Tesla Society in San Francisco in which Eric describes the characteristic nature of Tesla's impulse currents. His description reminded me very much of my various simulations over the past year: spikes and irregularities on the virtual oscilloscope tracings along the bottom of the screen of the JavaScript version of Paul Falstad's electronic simulator whose version I mirror over at my website location. Eric calls these 'spike' waveforms 'transients': something Steinmetz thoroughly researched as described in the video, above. It is these transients which appear to be what Tesla's impulse currents look like on an oscilloscope. And these transients are fastidiously avoided by electrical engineers by completely damping any power circuit, or other type of circuit, in which these 'anomalies' occur. I've gone to a lot of trouble seeking to duplicate these transients for the purpose of learning how to manage and harness them...


And I feel that the overunity generation of free energy must culminate in a thorough understanding of these transients. For overunity is a blanket term. A more precise term is: "uni-directional DC impulses".

Step 24: LTSpice Uses This Error Message to Prevent Us From Developing Any Surge of Voltage in Our Circuit Simulated in Their Software.

LTSpice is sooooo eradicate! Sometimes it gives "Floating Nodes" warnings and sometimes it doesn't. And sometimes it prevents us from running a simulation without doing something about it. Advice, online, is to ground out these nodes with either a grounding symbol, alone, or else with a low level resistor as well. I chose to put a low level capacitor in between these grounded nodes and the grounding symbol that LTSpice provides.

"Floating Node" can sometimes prevent us from building up a voltage based on surge circuitry and is a direct violation of our right to manifest what Eric Dollard describes as "uni-directional DC impulse current".

But my use of low level capacitors inline with these extra grounds exacerbated the situation by adding multiple points through which these impulses may come into space from counter-space (traditionally called the ether) making it impossible to manage these surges. If I can decompile LTSpice and remove this blockade and recompile it, then we might have some hope. Many of these Pierce-Arrow circuits exhibit overunity but without manageability. They surge to infinity with no hope of keeping them within a usable window. This is not realistic. This is contrived according to the public policy of electrical engineering and the eminent domain of politically controlled physics.

Step 25: Negotiating With the Aether Via Capacitors and Assistance From Inductors

The trend over at the Google Group which I started on the topic of Tesla's Pierce-Arrow demonstration has veered toward a simple premise involving Tesla's Radiant Energy patent...

A fellow over there had a request to use an off the shelf AC three phase motor. That prompted me to make a revision to possibly illustrate an accommodation to his request...

But then I realized that I had forgotten to test this with a load...

These were JavaScript simulations. So, I ported them over to Java with only one seemingly minor detail: I swapped which capacitor initiates the power surge while the battery is engaged in the beginning...

All of these simulations exhibit a mere 34 to 46 milli Ohms of resistance on its single coil. In other words, the amps far exceed the volts! {Insuring very little heat losses.} Or, mechanical vibration losses generated along similar lines as the heat losses.

These latest simulations helped me gain a better appreciation for what Eric Dollard has said in his presentation to the San Francisco Tesla Society posted on YouTube...

...that capacitors are portals bidirectionally negotiating transference of energy to and from the aether using inductors as the pump to determine direction of flow (loss vs gain) in addition to losses due to thermodynamic inefficiencies.

This simple recipe hails from the experience of Eric Dollard analyzing transmission networks and coming up with an analog computer of them which can also be used to measure Tesla's Magnifying Transmitter without getting in the way of its performance.

Politically correct EM theory doesn't lie. It merely fails to tell us the whole story. Eric says it best: simply put. If I were king, I'd want to knight Sir Eric.

Step 26: Series Resistance Is Reality Check for Capacitors and Inductors

I am no longer updating nor circuitjs1-falstad-vinyasi_v4(*).zip for I am holding myself to a higher standard not provided by Paul's original code. Due to the weight of my critics, whom I must redeem myself if at all possible, and due to my current suspicions of an overly reactive simulator (given the right stimulus of Eric Dollard'sLMD analog computer for transmission networks), I have taken the liberty to alter Paul's software in a fundamental fashion for all capacitors and inductors of any type - including transformers and electrolytic capacitors. I have added series resistance to all of these components. The capacitors have a default resistance of 10 milli ohms which may be modified by you, the user, by right-clicking and selecting 'Edit'. The inductors are not editable by the user, but vary according to a rule of thumb chosen by me in which series resistance is always four times the inductance. So if the coil has an inductance of one Henry, then its series resistance is four ohms. All series resistances may be monitored by hovering your mouse cursor over the cap or coil while looking in the lower right corner of the canvas. 'SerR' and 'SerR1' and 'SerR2' are the abbreviations used.

STEPSIM is the same as REALSIM, but stops running after each time frame and must be manually restarted to allow for witnessing development of a surging circuit...

This Wikipedia article is what I used as my model, plus my experience with Paul's simulator over the past year...

Here is a list of circuits drafted under the influence of the original software code yet retain some overunity under the influence of series resistance...

These electronic simulators may be downloaded from here... -- download mirror at!_zipped-files/

Step 27: Parametric Excitation Via Capacitant or Inductive Variation

I congratulate you for slogging through this very long diatribe. Mazel tov!

Up until now, I've struggled with the theory behind my success at simulating 'free energy' and 'overunity'.

It turns out to be very simple.

First of all, our notion of: Energy IN must equal Energy OUT is a bit flawed since there is something called Parametric Excitation which scientifically spells out the synthesis or decomposition of electricity under a very specific circumstance....

BTW, parametric excitation has its analog in the field of mechanical oscillations as well as within the domain of electronics theory.

If I alter the capacitant value of a capacitor by abruptly reducing it downwards while a circuit is running, then the voltage will increase at the expense of amperage.

And if I alter the capacitant value of a capacitor by abruptly increasing it upwards while a circuit is running, then the amperage will increase at the expense of voltage.

And if these upward and downward sweeps have a large enough upper boundary, then the overall wattage will increase per cycle of downward and upward, abrupt alterations.

In the alternative, if these upward and downward changes are merely trivial, or occur at the wrong moment in a wave's phase, or else occur gradually as a sweep rather than as a sudden climactic change, then wattage will decrease per cycle of downward and upward changes.

All of the above also holds true for varying inductance under similar circumstances.

An example of capacitant variation would be mechanically rotating the plates of a multiple stack of the conductive plates of a variable capacitor. Such was the case with the apparatus of Chris Carson and also holds true concerning the patent of Ferdinand Cap.

BTW, two of these three circuits listed above will not work in either electronic simulator located at either Paul Falstad's or Iain Sharp's websites sometime after I downloaded Paul's simulator software. In other words, in the course of upgrading and making improvements to his software, something has become altered in his simulator such that at least my parametric circuits will not be capable of building up watts. Although the precharged circuit works fine. I suspect that some of my other circuit simulations may not work in their simulators, either. The behavioral modification appears to be one of suppression of residual activity which is normal at extremely low levels of amps and volts. It is these marginal values which I treat very tenderly as if they were an ember from a spent campfire which I gingerly nurture into a roaring bonfire. Such is life!

Electrical Paradigm - Parametric Excitations of a Capacitor Synthesizes Electricity

I still see people dwelling on getting more from their motors despite (my view) that there's only so much that can be done to improve motor design. The real grace is in parametric capacitance (quoted in full, here, for your convenience) ....

Parametric Capacitance Powering Four Wires in 1 Coil of a 3 Phase A/C Induction Motor

If a circuit is already precharged, then it's upkeep (to offset thermodynamic losses and conversions) is rather easy by parametrically altering one or more capacitors' values, lowering and then raising, their capacitances very abruptly in the milli Farad - or more - range (serving as the upper boundary). In this example, I suggest the use of 100 milli Farads as the upper boundary and 50 milli Farads as the lower boundary. Timing is also important. If you setup the parameters of variation beforehand (as described above), and then flick the solitary switch (in this example) at just the right moment immediately prior to a sinusoidal wave turning around (falling after rising or rising after falling), then you increase your chances of a gainful result rather than a loss.

This endeavor is much like pushing a child on a play-swing at the right moment to amplify her arc rather than diminish it (to avoid pushing her at the wrong moment in her swing). The difference, here, is that pushing a child – or having the child lean forward – drives an oscillator by injecting new energy into the pendulous swing rather than parametrically amplifying stored energy by having the child stand up and sit down suddenly (from a squat) just before reaching the apex of her arc – or at her apex – (finishing this procedure of shortening and lengthening the radius of her arcing swing before reaching the apex of each swinging arc so as to amplify, rather than diminish, her stored momentum).

Please see the text called, "How to Pump a Swing".

BTW, dead batteries (the lead-acid type or AGM) make a good poor man's reactive converter (instead of using a synchronous condenser) to bring the power factor back to unity. Free energy is not the hard part. The challenge is making it useful! The next time you hear the term: "radiant", just substitute the word "reactive". My favorite reactance is parametric capacitance for it's the easiest overunity to achieve.

Quartz crystals are used as oscillators since they will mechanically vibrate if subjected to a voltage or emit a voltage if mechanically squeezed. This alteration of a crystal's dimensions affects its "shunt capacitance". If tens of millions of quartz crystal oscillators were connected in parallel, then their total capacitance, along with their parametric variations, might be useful for power gain whenever the circuit begins to "run down"?

If the circuit received enough of an initial charge from outside itself, all of the millions of quartz crystals might self-oscillate – and in so doing – self-sustain their own charge by parametrically contracting and expanding with each pulsing A/C cycle. The right balance of factors may create a self-running operation? Perhaps...

Some notable excerpts of Eric Dollard ...

Refined & Enhanced, LMD Analog Computer Module...

Parametric Time Shifts of Inductance and Capacitance results in the Synthesis from, or Decomposition into, the Ingredients of Electricity ...

Another way to explain the parametric synthesis or decomposition of electricity from its constituent ingredients of time, magnetism and dielectricity (dielectricity is equivalent to the similar terms of: "the electric field" or "electrostatics") is to say that electricity can be synthesized from the preexisting fields of a piece of wire (for instance) which has current running though it producing both a magnetic field and an electric field surrounding that wire. This happens at a logarithmic rate of gain which can vary with respect to time such that it can be a sudden burst or explosion of electrical energy or a slow surge and anything in between.

This is how to clone a wave without depleting the current in a wire. The magnetic and electric fields surrounding a 'live wire' would have been there, anyway, radiating out into space as the ingredients of electricity -- not as electricity, itself. In other words, magnetism cannot be measured in amps despite electrostatics can be measured in electron volts. Magnetism is not electrical energy; it's an ingredient of it. Thus, magnetism is not a thermodynamic loss of electricity so much as it is a thermodynamic conversion of electricity into one of its constituent ingredients. In other words, increasing resistance in a 'live wire' will not increase its magnetic field. We have to coil the wire to produce inductive resistance, and then we'll get a sizable boost to the thermodynamic conversion of current into a magnetic field.

So, parametric excitation, or parametric oscillation, of electricity is the recycling of wasted electrical non-energy: magnetism and dielectricity -- the ingredients of electrical energy. It is not the recycling of wasted electricity.

So, a good experiment to verify this would be to measure the magnetic field, or the electrostatic field, surrounding a wire or coil when parametric escalation is occurring. If either ingredient of electricity should diminish while the electricity is increasing, then this would validate parametric excitation as a viable form of free energy production.

Once this happens, it may continue to occur producing more electricity from less electricity at an ever-increasing rate of escalation, but still fixed to a logarithmic rate of expansion.

For decomposition, the reverse happens: electricity is decomposed back into a magnetic field and an electric field which replaces the preexisting current -- again, at a logarithmic rate of decay. This produces less electricity from more electricity. It does not, nor cannot, make electricity disappear, entirely. There will always be some left over, no matter how small a quantity -- even beyond our ability to measure it.

50 times faster than the speed of light: Tesla's Primary Cosmic Solar Rays...

Source of Gravity...

The Law of Conservation of Energy breaks down...

Step 28: A Realistic Speculation of Tesla's EV Conversion of a Pierce-Arrow in 1931

I certainly can't say that I know what happened. But I'll speculate that Tesla's purchase of 12 radio tubes and some wire in a Buffalo, New York, electronics shop was to hide what really went inside his mysterious box: a bank of parallel capacitors precharged overnight at his hotel room with whatever voltage he needed to provide sufficient torque to run the A/C motor in his EV conversion of a 1931 Pierce-Arrow weighing in at over four thousand pounds. That's what my simulation suggests to me.

The remainder of the circuit merely supplies current dominating over voltage as the byproduct of a surge which can escalate towards infinite gain and at a rate which could become explosive if it were not for the six volt batteries acting as anchor weights on a 85% clocked duty cycle. Any voltage source is also a voltage regulator. Especially A/C voltage sources since they're already regulated as a sinewave. D/C voltage sources have no waveform. So, they tend to create surges (parasitic transients) more readily than do A/C voltage sources.

I wish I knew why simulators can exhibit parametric oscillations despite our lack of formal education on this topic for this is where 'overunity' and 'free energy' occur from. I have yet to see any instance that suggests otherwise.

It is this lack of information that leaves people to speculate, sometimes wildly, why free energy can exist at all. Certainly, the reactive nature of capacitors (in particular) suggest a reason for the birth of new terminology, such as the word: "radiant" energy.

Except for the stress which reactance imposes on a circuit's components, energy is truly free in that its ultimate source and goal is itself. In other words, energy comes from itself whenever it is synthesized and returns to itself whenever it decomposes. This would explain why energy can seemingly appear from out of nowhere or disappear into nowhere when in reality it doesn't have to go anywhere. It's already here and stays here, omnipresent, throughout all of Creation.

Decomposition must not be confused with thermodynamic losses for the latter is merely the transfer of energy from one location to another. Decomposition is not a transfer; it is a convergence of energy into a singularity reducing the quantity of energy available. Likewise, synthesis is a divergence out of singularities spawning multiplicities of energy.

So, energy is never created nor is it destroyed. It is always with us. But we must recognize a game of charade ensues whenever we consider the flexible nature to energy's quantity. This is mathematically modeled by the cardinal sets of infinite series designated by the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet: Aleph. Aleph allows for singular infinities becoming multiple entities each infinity unique with its own identity.

Step 29: Reiterating Some Main Points

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but waves are created and destroyed all the time!

A wave can be created and waves can be destroyed for a wave is pure structure based on a concept devoid of content (energy and matter). But whenever the body of a wave is destroyed, its content must exit that structure as dissipation (loss) satisfying both the first and second law of thermodynamics having to do with losses, conversions and irreversibilities. And whenever a wave is created, its creation is dependent on some source of energetic matter supplying that wave with the dynamics needed to come alive. If connection to a source of energy is not available, then a wave will not form.

Why haven't we heard of these ideas before now?

President Eisenhower warned the public on national television: "Beware of the Military Industrial Complex" just before leaving office. I suspect that what Peter Lindemann has said on numerous occasions, that most all technologies have been developed for usage in warfare, is also applicable towards its complimentary thought, that: if it cannot be used for warfare, then it must be repressed lest the enemy get the advantage or else our military forces loose their edge over that of the "enemy" - whomever that may be.

Upon this basis an interesting twist to this line of speculation arises. To wit...

Tesla died in 1943 in the midst of WWII. Yet, he had expected himself to live to well over a hundred. He invented the high voltage vacuum tube capacitor prior to 1900 and used it frequently whenever called for in his various devices. But it was not commercialized until shortly after his death. Furthermore, the US Supreme Court awarded the credit of the invention of radio to Tesla in defiance of our cherished belief (even to this day!) that it was Marconi who invented radio. Both radio and high voltage capacitors were important electrical components for use during both World Wars.

Eric Dollard has claimed that Tesla lied to JP Morgan by not telling him the full truth that Tesla's silent intention for his development of Wardenclyffe Tower (as the byproduct of his experiments in Colorado Springs, Colorado) was not merely for use as wireless communication, but also for the more important use as the wireless transmission of power to everyone on the planet for free! JP Morgan managed to discover this salient fact before Wardenclyffe was completed wherein he had it dismantled and made certain that Tesla would never again receive patronage from anyone else to any notable degree.

Assembling these facts together into a semblance of clarity leads me to conclude that Tesla may have been murdered to prevent him from benefiting commercially from his inventions lest he rebuild his cherished notion to give electrical power away for free to every man, woman and child on the face of this Earth!

If you think this is too farfetched a notion to even take seriously, consider this...

Congressman McFadden brought formal charges against the Federal Reserve of conspiracy to defraud the American public shortly before his career ended in tragedy.

And John Lennon returned to this country after having been deported only to find himself murdered in his prime. He and President Kennedy were men of renown in their lifetimes sufficient to scare anyone else who wanted all the private glory to themselves. But don't take my word for it...

Step 30: Epilogue

How hard can it be to imagine that we have undermined our ability to have abundant joy arising from an indeterminable quantity of energy? Our incentive should be: where can I get the extra energy from? From more atoms of copper in a piece of wire? From more iron in the magnetic core of a coiled winding? From an electrostatic field built up surrounding an electrical device?

Since no energy travels along a pathway in a circuit – only intelligence does that, we literally have energy at our finger tips to liberate from available circumstance to a degree far superior to anything we have imagined up to this point in our history and contrary to both the nay-sayers and the New Ager's – both of whom need to make up stuff to explain away this nonsense.

We clone MP3 files all the time. And that cloning process is only limited by our ingenuity.

How hard is it for us to broaden our view and come out of the Dark Ages of the Malthusian Doctrine of limited resources?

Time is our only limitation. And time can also free us from impoverished resources if we understand time in terms of intelligent manipulation of our circumstance.

Step 31: Shortcut URL for This Instructable

Step 32: Latest Discovery

A simple single phase induction motor is all that is needed to start creating a better motor which runs on far less energy than convention stipulates.

Instead of feeding our motors 120 volts at 50 or 60 cycles per second, it's possible to feed them less than 3 volts at a million cycles per second and have enough power to drive a three thousand pound electric car!

How can this be? Simple....

We turn the motor on its head, so to speak. Namely, we rewire and rewind its main coil, add a resistor and a small capacitor, and bingo! We're off and running around on minimalist energy consumption as validated by one of the premiere simulating softwares in the industry: Micro Cap flavor of Berkeley SPICE.

The beauty of this approach is that if we should need more power, all that is required is to make a bigger motor. It's operation, alone, will generate the added power to fund itself and -thus- help to slowly reduce its dependency on its outside source of voltage.

How did I learn this? By studying Joseph Newman's device, Nikola Tesla's Special Generator, and Tesla's Pierce-Arrow demonstration of 1931. All three are intimately similar enough to make the study of either one a boon to the study of the other two.
