Introduction: How to Make a HOT Blade
Some times cutting plastic to make custom designs, creating enclosure for your new project or creating a hole in your of the self plastic enclosure to pass cables; can be tough with conventional tools like saw and drills. Here is a cheap and easy solution for this issue.
Step 1: Quick Video
Here is a quick video, which will take you through all steps in few minutes.
Step 2: Things Needed...
Here is the list of Items needed to make this HOT Blade:
- A cheap solder iron which uses screw to mount it's solder bit . (This is important, other soldering irons won't work, we specifically need one with screws)
- Blade knife
- Screw driver
look up Attached images in case of doubt.
Step 3: Assembly
Follow these steps to assemble HOT blade:
- Remove blade form the blade knife. It's really simple, just take out top cap and slide the blade out.
- Brake off extra segments in blade to achieve required size of blade, using groove in the cap.
- Remove soldering bit form the solder iron by unscrewing the screw. (Do not loose this screw)
- Mount blade on solder iron using screw.
- Plug your solder iron in power plug and there you have your hot blade.
You can have a look at these steps in video attached in step 1.
Step 4: HOT Blade in Action
Thanks for your time.