Introduction: How to Make a Jerk Rig for Duck Decoys EP. 25

About: Become the Ultimate DIY Hunter & Fisherman!

Put some life into your decoy spread with this easy, 4 step, way to build a duck decoy jerk rig!

Let's start with the obvious... living ducks move and swim while in water. Your duck decoys do not, and ducks realize this as they decide to turn around instead of luck up over your spread. The good news, this can be solved quickly and easily with the DIY jerk rig below!

Things you'll need: a small anchor, bungee cord, a decoy string/line, 2-3 inch PVC pipe, and fishing clips that have a loop for your string as well as another one to loop through your decoys

1. Lay your decoy line out on the ground around 30 yards in length

2. Based on the depth of water you're hunting, from the end of the line, measure where you'll want your first decoy attached to the line (we hunt water that's about 3 feet deep, so we put the first decoy about 4-5 feet from the end of the line)

3. Space another 4-5 feet between your first decoy and your second on the, then again for the third, making where you'll place each decoy

4. Now it's time to attach the fishing clips to the line. You'll attach the fishing clip where you'll place your 'last' decoy, first. So spot on the line where you marked where you wanted the decoy that is furthest away from the anchor (closest to the duck blind), feed the line through your fishing clip until it reaches that point, then tie a knot to fasten the clip to the line.

5. Repeat step four again for the middle decoy, then again for the final decoy closest to the anchor.

6. Now it's time to attach the bungee cord to the anchor, this will be simple by crimping the metal end of the bungee to the loop on the top of the anchor.

7. Tie a slip knot at the end of your line and loop that onto the other metal end of your bungee, allowing you to quickly and easily attache or detach your line from the bungee/anchor.

8. Attach your decoys to the three fishing clips you attached to the line earlier.

9. Lastly, wrap the remaining amount of your decoy line around a 2 or 3 inch PVC pipe, this will allow for easy set up and clean up while you're wading in the water.

10. At this point, you're ready to hunt! Start pulling that string to move your decoys and watch as the ducks dive and lock up into your spread!