Introduction: How to Make a Low Power NAS With Raspberry PI Using Samba
Its been two years when I got my raspberry pi. Its a 2B. I know its quite old now but I am using this for two years now and didn't have a single problem with it. But now you can grab a Raspberry Pi 3b . Raspberry Pi 3 is and awesome piece of technology because it has all the features of raspberry pi 2 and it also includes with a Wifi and Bluetooth module.
In this project I am going to use my raspberry pi 2b. But you use any raspberry pi.
Thing you are going to need to make this project :
1. Raspberry Pi
2. Memory Card( Minimum 8 gb)
3. 2 Amp Power Supply for Raspberry PI
4. Power Cable
5. Internet Connection
6. Usb Hard Drive
7. Powered Usb Hub
Step 1: Download and Install Raspbian Operating System in Your Raspberry Pi
First Download the Os from raspbeery pi's official website.
Download Link:
then you need to download two softwares. One for flashing the sd card other is for formatting the sd card.
SdFormatter :
If you don't know how to install Raspbain just follow this tutorial :
Step 2: How to Install Samba and Set Everything Up
Any now you have to install package called samba and set you driver path, user details etc.Just follow the video bellow