Introduction: How to Make a Macrame Wall Hanging Shelf

About: Hi! I am Elisse - a pharmacy student, coffee addict,food lover, amateur photographer and an avid crafter. I love art, jewelry,macrame, embroidery but also science, chemistry and drug structures! My Instructabl…

If you have been following me on Instrcutables you would know I love fiber art.So far I have made a bag,a rug and a fish wall hanging.I have been wanting to create a macrame wall hanging shelf for a while.Recently I found the perfect piece of wood,drilled some holes on it and got to work.


  • A piece of wood
  • Macrame cord
  • Scissors
  • Wooden dowel

Step 1: Getting Started

To get started with this project you first need to get a piece of wood to create the shelf.Take your wood and drill holes on all four corners.The holes need to be large enough for a couple of macrame cord strands to pass through.

Cut a piece of cord long enough to make the base of the shelf and tie a simple knot on the wooden dowel.Make sure the dowel is only slightly longer than the wood itself.Tie another knot on the other end.This is the base of the shelf that's going to be hanging on the wall as you work.I hanged my base on the wall using some removable hooks.

Latly,cut 16 strands of the macrame cord of your choice,each about 3 meters long.I always like to cut my cord longer.This way you can cut off any excess in the end,but if you run out of cord you can't add more.

Step 2: Lark's Head Knot

The first knot you will learn to make is a Lark's head knot.Begin by taking a strand of cord and fold it in
half.Place the loop you have created under the wooden dowel.Reach under the loop and over the dowel and grab the two loose strands.Bring them down through the loop and pull and tighten the knot. Repeat this step with all 16 strands of cord.

Once you attach all 16 strands,leave a bit of space between the first six and the four strands of cord after them.Repeat with the following six strands.

Step 3: Double Half Hitch Knot - Left to Right

Begin working on the four cords in the middle.Take the second strand and use the cord on the left as a holding cord.From left to right, tie a half hitch knot - pass the next cord over and then under the holding cord, followed by over itself to form a loop. Pull the knot tightly and push it up.Tie another half hitch knot to make it a double half hitch. Make one more double half hitch knot.

Step 4: Double Half Hitch Knot - Right to Left

Repeat the same steps from right to left - take the third strand and use the cord on the left as a holding cord.From right to left, tie a half hitch knot - pass the next cord over and then under the holding cord, followed by over itself to form a loop. Pull the knot tightly and push it up.Tie another half hitch knot to make it a double half hitch. Make one more double half hitch knot.

Step 5: Continue Tieing

The next couple of steps are pretty much repeating the same knot by moving the holding cord in different directions.

For the second row make 4 double half hitch knots and for the third - six.Once you are done,continue the pattern by keeping each of the holding cords diagonally to create a diamond pattern.

Step 6: Diamond Pattern

Begin working with the first six cords.Leave the first two aside and work with the four cords next to them.

To create the diamond shape start by taking the two middle cords and make one simple knot.Then,take
the right cord and make a double half hitch knot from the previous step but hold your holding cord downwards,creating a diagonal line.Repeat the same knots with the left cord.

Finish the diamond by making the same half hitch knots but hold your holding cord accordingly.

Step 7: More Diamonds

Make four diamonds total on both sides.When working with the last six cords,leave the very last two aside and work with the first four.

Step 8: Gather the Diamonds

Gather the two large diamond patterns together by tieing a simple knot.Make the last diamond - repeat the same process by using the two cords ypu tied a simple knot with as holding cords - one for the right side and one for the left side.

Step 9: Spirals

Remember the first and last two strands of cord we left? Well,it's time to jazz them up.

You will be working with the outer two cords while the two middle cords stay fixed.Take the outer left cord and create a small loop placing it over the two middle cords,creating a shape resembling the number 4.Then take the outer right cord and place it over the left cord.Start to create your knot by taking the right cord under the middle cords.Then take the right cord through the loop formed by the left blue cord.Pull the cords to tighten.Repeat this step over and over again - the spiral will form by itself.

Make the spirals on both sides as long as you want them to be.

Step 10: Attach More Cord

Seperate the two strands of cord that form the spiral and attach a new cord by making a Lark's head knot.Pull the attached strand of cord back so that it stays hidden and looks seemless.

Step 11: Attach the Shelf

Attach the shelf to the macrame hanging - loop the cord you attached in the previous step through the back holes and the spiral knot cord through the front holes.

Step 12: More Spirals

Once your wood is on the macrame it's time to secure it in place.Bring the cords on the back to the front.Use them as working cords while the ones on the front stay fixed.Make a couple more spiral knots.

Repeat this step on the other side.

Step 13: Tassels

To decorate the diamonds,cut three strands of cord.Attach them to the diamonds - use the two cords in the middle (refer to the second image).Once attached,separate those two cords and loop the remaining pieces through to create a tassel.

Repeat this step on all of the diamond patterns.

Step 14: Gathering Knot

Optionally you can make a gathering knot to make the spirals look a bit more put together.

Cut a piece of cord and make a small loop over your other strands.Take the long end, wrap it around all of your strands, trapping the loop.Keep wrapping the long tail about 4-5 times around.Take the long strand and pass it through the loop.To complete the knot, pull on the shorter strand which will trap the longer strand underneath the knot.Finally, cut the short strand.

Repeat on the other side.

Step 15: Trim,trim,trim

Your shelf is almost complete!

All there is left to do is trim off any excess cord and make everything even.Trim the little tassels,the big tassels and the leftover cord.

Step 16: Add More Cords

Since the sides of the wall hanging look a little empty,add some more cord on each side via a Lark's head knot with a slight difference - take the strand of cord you want to add and fold it in half,place the loop you have created under the cord of the diamond pattern.Reach over the loop and grab the two loose strands.Bring them up through the loop,pull and tighten the knot.

Add as many strands on each side as you would like.

Step 17: Comb

Aditionally,comb the tassels to make them fluffier.

Lastly,you can shorten the cord attached to the dowel to make it fit perfectly - just untie one of the knots,cut any excess and tie another simple knot.

Step 18: Hang Your Shelf!

Your macrame shelf is now complete! All there is left for you to do is hang it and put your favorite stuff on it.This shelf is both beautiful and functional,as well as the perfect bohemian decor piece.

Thank you for reading this Instructable!

Happy knotting!