Introduction: How to Make a Paper Mache Figure + Preserve Old Artwork
This project I made to preserve my old artwork from when I was a child. I made it with all upcycled paper found in my home and only spent 2.63 $ on a roll of yellow masking tape to start the figure. It sure does pay to save toilet paper rolls.
Step 1: Plan the Shape of Your Figure.
Step 2: Using Tape and Thick Paper Make Figure Shape
Step 3: Add More Thick Paper to Make Shape of Clothes
Step 4: Using Tape and Paper Make Face and Finger Shapes
Step 5: Using Basic Paper Mache Cover Shapes With Newspaper
Step 6: Cover Newspaper With Tissue Paper Using White Glue
Step 7: Make Hair by Rolling Newspaper Up Into Paper Mache 'mud'
Step 8: Cover Figure With Artwork
I used old artwork from when I was ages 5-12 for this figure. I am preserving my old artwork in this figure.