Introduction: How to Make a Rainbow Mobile in TinkerCad
I wanted to create a colorful rainbow mobile to hang in my office.
3D printer
PLA filament in rainbow colors
Clear fishing line
Laptop or tablet to run Tinkercad
Step 1: Design the First Half Circle
Open Tinkercad and start a new 3D design. Move a tube to the workplace and set its dimensions to:
Radius 30
Wall thickness 5.8
Sides 64
Bevel 0.5
Bevel Segments 10
Then change its color to purple.
Step 2: Slice the Tube in Half
Slice the tube in half by adding a box-shaped hole to the work plane. Set its dimensions to 30 x72 mm. Align to the bottom of the tube and group.
Step 3: Make the Rest of the Rainbow
Repeat steps one and two for each rainbow color. You will need to change the radius of the tube each time to these dimensions:
Red 60
Orange 54
Yellow 48
Green 42
Blue 36
All other dimensions remain the same for each arch.
Step 4: Add Holes to the Rainbow Arches
Once all the arches are made, add a small center hole to each arch to put the fishing line through. Add a cylinder to the workplace and change its dimensions to 3 x 3 x 20 mm. Flip the cylinder 90 degrees and align to the top center of each arch. Change the cylinder to a hole and group. Repeat this for each arch color.
Step 5: Create the Colored Beads
Add a 12 x 12 mm sphere to the workplane. Change the steps number to 24 to create a smoother bead. Insert and align a 3 x 3 x 20 mm cylinder and then group. to make the bead easy to 3D print, add a 1 x 20 x 20 mm box hole to the bottom and top to flatten the ends. copy this bead 4 times and change the bead colors to pink, baby blue, brown, and black.
Step 6: Create the Cloud
Add a cylinder to the workplane. Change its dimensions to sides 64, Bevel 0.5, and segments 10. Change its color to white. Copy and paste this cylinder six times. Arrange the six cylinders to create a cumulus cloud and group. Add a center hole by adding a 3 x 3 x 50 mm cylinder hole to the workplace, flip 90 degrees, center and group.
Step 7: Print Each Piece in the Colors Shown
Send each piece to the 3D printer.
Step 8: Assemble the Mobile
After all the pieces are printed, String the fishing line through each piece. Knot the line at the bottom of the purple arch. Hang the mobile where the wind will catch it and enjoy! If working through all those directions was too much, here is the file to print.