Introduction: How to Make a Realistic Pills Prop (L4D)
In this instructable I will show you how to make a bottle of pills from Left 4 Dead. Very realistic, and it's even relatively cheap! I made the bottle first, then thought, "I bet other people would love this." and decided to put it on Instructables. It's my first one, so it might not be the best. But it will be simple.
Step 1: The Items
1. Bottle (I used Colon Clenz. Found at Wal Mart for about seven bucks.)
2. Computer Paper
3. Glue (Something that dries quickly.)
4. Tape (Preferably clear Scotch tape.)
5. Two Rulers
6. Some small things, such as BBs, pellets, tacks even.
7. Scissors
Step 2: Label Base
Ok. Get your bottle of choice. Now take the two rulers and tape them together, one on top of each other like in the pic. Make a box 16.5 cm by 3 cm. Use the corner of the ruler as a square to get even sides.
Step 3: Getting the Label On
The reason for doing this is that the label on the bottle will show through unless this layer is added. Take a peice of tape and stick it on the edge of the paper. Stick that to the bottle and wrap it around evenly. Some overlapping should happen. Now take your glue (I used Duco Cement and a Q-tip) and put it on the flap, gluing it down. Wait five to ten minutes for drying.
Step 4: The Label
Just open up Microsoft Word or any other word processor and copy this label. Paste it in and print it. Once it is printed just do the same thing with the under label, making sure to cut it evenly. The label is at¤t=PillsLabel.png&newest=1
Step 5: Done!
You can now say that you found some peelz. Just add some BBs or whatever to it to get the accurate weight and sound. I'll try to make some more Instructables on L4D props, so look out for them.