Introduction: How to Make a Table (with Poster Image)

About: I'm a psychologist (almost). I like Indy and Punk music. I also like boardsports.
Watching Motorcycle Dairies the other day, I was reminded of the table I made last summer with Ernesto "Che" Guevara's photograph emblazoned on the center. This is a step-by-step for a stained wooden table with image on top. Enjoy.

Step 1: Sanding Plywood (the Top of the Table)

Step 2: Stain the Plywood (top of Table)

Next you will want to stain the wood. If you want a deep stain then you will have to stain, dry, stain, dry, stain, dry, etc.

Step 3: Screw Leg Fasteners

After that it is time to screw the fasteners onto the underside of the table. If you have a drill I suggest using it to make holes where the screws will be. I am poor so I screwed them in by hand and risked cracking the wood.

Step 4: Metal Pipe Legs

Once this step is complete you will take the metal pipes and screw them into the fasteners. You will have to get these pipes threaded at the hardware store. Stand it up and the table is almost complete.

Step 5: Poster Top

You can leave it as-is if your main concern if function and not fashion. I finished mine by sealing a poster on top. I scorched the edges of the poster to make it look more like a damaged photo.

Step 6: Mod Podge

Addendum: I've recieved a few emails asking about this step. You can use Mod Podge, but an easier and quicker process is to place the image on the table and pour an epoxy resin on it. The resin should spread evenly and harden. Just remember to put something under the table to catch the drip.