Introduction: How to Make a Tornado Airsoft Grenade

About: A high school kid who likes to do a lot. I like to build, invent, blow things up, and fire. If you need help on a project or need a new idea just message me. I regularly check instructables so I will probably …
This shows you how i made my tornado airsoft grenade from stuff i had lying around my house. it is reusable and easy to set up.

This is my first Ible and sorry my pictures are bad because i had to take them with me phone because my camera is broken

Step 1: Why?

I didn't want to spend $30 for a grenade that can usually only go once. And most of the grenades that people show you how to make usually have explosives  or they can go off in you hand or they only work once and you can't reset them during battle.

I also wanted one that people could make a couple of and are easy to make.

Step 2: Supplies

You need:
A wind back car with a big winder
a bic pen
and something really small but heavy-i used a small bolt and a couple nuts
tape or epoxy or glue
airsoft bbs
Small piece of coat hanger

Dremel with drill and cutting tool or something else that can cut throught plastic and a drill

Step 3: Cutting Down

Ok now take apart your wind back car just leaving the plastic bottom with the rear end that has the wind backer on it and remember to keep the wheels on it

Then take your dremel with a cutting tool or what ever you are going to use and cut it down so there is as little as plastic around the winder but you have to leave the plastic on the bottom so when can mount the other things on

Step 4: Adding Weights

Ok now take your small nuts and screw them on to the small bolt.....use at least 2

Then take off one of the tires of your back axle on the wind back thing

Tape or glue the nuts and bolt onto the outside of the wheel

Then you can put the wheel back on

Step 5: Add the Barrels

ok now take your bic pens and you can use either one or two(i used one at first for when i taped it then i later epoxyed 2)
take out the ink cartridges out of the pens but keep the bottom caps on
now you can tape or epoxy the bic pens on
Make sure that open end of the bic pens or on the oppisite side of the weight wheel

Step 6: Add the Pull Pin

Cut a piece of coat hanger at least 3 inches long....longer if you want a bigger pin
bent the coat hanger at one end into a ring and leave at least one inch of the hanger straight

Now take your drill and drill a hole a little bit bigger then the coat hanger in the good wheel and into some of the plastic so when you put the coat hanger in it stops the wheel from turning

Step 7: How to Work It

So what you do is turn the winder for a bit or until it can't go any more and insert the pull pin all the way so the wheel doesn't turn
Now add bbs into the barrels and put the pen caps on them

To use take the caps off, pull the pin while holding the wheel so it doesn't spin and throw

Bbs should spin out of the barrels and go in about 15 foot spread of bbs

It really works if you have the right amount of weight so experiment on it

With 2 barrels it really shoot nicely and after you throw that what you do is charge in and start shooting

You really have to enforce it by adding tape or more epoxy

I have found that a decent throw will make it start spinning at about 15 feet after you throw it and that is where the bbs go so if you chuck it it might be a far grenade

This summer i will try to make an holder for it that will shoot over 100 bbs

Remember when you throw it to keep it level so the bbs don't fall out and i am going to try to make a stopper for that

Step 8: Future Designs

I might try to add a shell
I might add more bbs some how

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