Introduction: How to Make an AC Softstarter

About: Awesome Electronics Tutorials, Projects and How To´s

In this project I will show you why my new autotransformer keeps tripping my circuit breaker and how I built an AC softstarter in order to "softly" start the transformer so that it does not trip my circuit breaker. Along the way we will find out how exactly this problem gets created and how you can fix it easily. BTW, such softstarters are also useful for motors ;-) Let's get started!

Step 1: Watch the Video!

Make sure to watch the video since it will give you pretty much all required information to build an AC softstarter. During the next steps though I will present you some additional information.

Step 2: Order Your Components!

Step 3: Build the Circuit!

Here you can find the schematic of the project along with reference pictures of my finished board.

Step 4: Upload the Code!

Here you can find the code for the Arduino Nano. UPLOAD IT! And maybe understand it along the way ;-)

Step 5: 3D Print the Enclosure and Put Everything Inside There!

Here you can find the .stl files for the enclosure as well as reference pictures of my finished project.

Step 6: Success!

You did it! You just created your own AC Softstarter!

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