Introduction: How to Make an Awareness/Support Ribbon
Square knotting makes an ideal base for a ribbon.
I started with two 3' lengths of 1/16" mini-blind cord. You will also need a metal split ring.
Step 1:
About 7" from the bottom start the square knotting around the two cord core.
Step 2:
Make 3 square knots.
This will form one tab end of the ribbon. You can make more or fewer knots to vary the length of the tab end.
Step 3:
Now make a square knot (two steps) but do NOT include the right hand cord of the core you are tying around.
Step 4:
Begin tying again. The reverse side of the ribbon should show the cord you did not tie around.
Step 5:
Continue tying - I tied 24 square knots. Your length may vary.
I placed the split ring over the ribbon and threaded the 2 core ends through the space made in step 3
Step 6:
Pull the core ends as close as possible and tie one a VERY tight knot.
Step 7:
Now tie 3 loose square knots. This forms the other tab.
Step 8:
Bring the ends through the knotting
Step 9:
Tighten the knotting starting at the bottom.
Step 10:
Pull the ends through at the base of the tab.
Step 11:
Trim the ends.