Introduction: How to Make an Awesome Pumpkin

About: Maker and builder- aspiring woodworker and engineer

One of the most fun parts about halloween is looking and carving all the pumpkins. My favorites are the funny ones. The one I carved this year is one of those. Now I can show you how to make one too.

Step 1: Materials

Stuff you need:

Step 2: Faces and Guts

Draw your face onto the pumpkin with the sharpie or pencil. You can also print a stencil and stick it to the pumpkin. Then use a nail to poke many holes along the lines of your stencil.

Take your knife and stick it into the top and carve a circle with a small square in one end(see pic).
Pull Your knife out and pull the stem to pull off the top. Slice all guts off with knife.

Step 3: Get Messy

Take a spoon or something and scrape out all of the guts inside the pumpkin and put it onto the newspaper.

Step 4: The Fun Part

Take your knife and start carving the face. Try to cut out all the sharpie so it makes it look nicer.

Step 5: Saftey

When working with knives, be carful! You don't want this to happen.

Step 6: Finishing Touches...

Try to dump out any guts that didn't make it out. Also cut away jagged edges.

Have fun wih your brand new jack-o-lantern!

Halloween Contest

Participated in the
Halloween Contest