Introduction: How to Make an Ewok Out of a Popsicle Stick
What you will be making is an Ewok from the movie Star Wars: The Return of the Jedi. (sorry if all the pictures are side ways, i took the pictures on my iPod)
btw if you want to put on googely use, that would look good too.
btw if you want to put on googely use, that would look good too.
Step 1: Your Materials
What you will need is:
- a pair of scissors
- 6-7 brown pipe-cleaners
- some baige felt
- a Popsicle stick
- some gold wire (optional)
- and a hot glue gun
- a pair of scissors
- 6-7 brown pipe-cleaners
- some baige felt
- a Popsicle stick
- some gold wire (optional)
- and a hot glue gun
Step 2: Wrap the Popsicle Stick
Wrap up the Popsicle stick with the brown pipe-cleaners till fully wrapped.
Step 3: Make the Ears
take a small piece of the pipe-cleaner and wrap it up into a little ball, but still flat. Make 2 of them, and leave a little tail at the end so you can them on
Step 4: Glue the Ears On
now you hot glue the ears onto the top of the Popsicle stick
Step 5: The Arms
fold the pipe-cleaner in half once, then twice, and the third time leave a little space on the end for when you glue it
Step 6: The Hood
take the beige fabric and make a little rectangle, cut a fairly small hole in the middle. Once you figure out how it fits and what not cut it into a triangular shape in the front and a rounded shape in the back. and hot glue it on.
Sorry if it looks orange, theres bad lighting in my room
Sorry if it looks orange, theres bad lighting in my room
Step 7: Glue the Hood and the Arms
hot glue the hood onto Popsicle stick. The take both of the arms and take the long piece and hot glue it onto the side of the Popsicle stick under the hood.
Step 8: The Walking Stick Thing...
Take the rest of the pipe-cleaner that you used for the ears and make sure its a bit taller then then the ewok itself, its its to short get another piece and cut it or if its to tall cut it a little bit. Its you so desire wrap to gold wire around the stick all the way.
Step 9: Attaching It
The last step is to hot glue the stick to the ewoks hand and you done!