Introduction: How to Make the BEST Norwegian Pancakes! (Grandma's Recipe)

Hello everybody! Today we are going to make the best Norwegian Pancakes EVER! The recipe I used was passed down through many generations in my family. My grandma taught my dad to make them, and my dad taught me. I altered the recipe a little bit to make it batter...I mean better. 😛 Read on to learn how to make the best Norwegian Pancakes you will ever taste!


To make the Pancakes you will need all of the things listed below


  • 2 cups of Bisquik/Weis Original Pancake Mix
  • 6 large eggs
  • a pinch of salt
  • 2 cups of milk
  • 1/4 cup of sugar
  • a few shakes of cardamon (ground) *If you don't have cardamon, you can use cinnamon, but cardamon works best
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla
  • 4 tablespoons of melted butter, cooled (1/2 stick of butter)


  • an 8-inch pan (or a crepe pan)
  • a whisk
  • a large bowl
  • a butter melting pot (any small pot)
  • a holder for the pancakes to keep them warm (they can also stay warm on a plate in the oven)
  • a 1 cup measuring tool
  • a 1/4 cup measuring tool
  • a 1 teaspoon measuring tool
  • a spatula (the larger the better)
  • cooking spray



Step 1: The Base

Grab your 6 eggs and your 2 cups of Bisquik! Put them both in the large bowl, eggs first, and mix them until smooth. The mixture should be a yellowish color. This forms a base for the rest of the recipe to grow off of. You should also start melting the 4 tablespoons of butter after you've done this step. When the butter is completely melted, take it off of the heat and let it cool. Don't let it cool too long, though, or the butter will start to get chunky.

Step 2: The Flavoring

Measure out 1/4 cup of sugar, a pinch of salt (just any small amount), and 2-3 teaspoons of cardamon. Put them all into the mixture and stir until they are fully mixed in.

Step 3: Thinning Ingredients

Gather your 2 cups of milk, 1 teaspoon of vanilla, and the 4 tablespoons of melted butter. Mix these in all the way. The batter will be extraordinarily thin, so you are going to need to let it set for 15 minutes in the refrigerator.

Step 4: Heating

Heat the 8 inch pan or crepe pan or whatever shallow non-stick pan you have to medium-low or medium. Heat until a drop of water sizzles and evaporates when put on the pan.

Step 5: Cooking

Spray the pan with cooking spray such as PAM. Then measure out 1/4 cups of batter and pick up the pan. Pour the batter onto the pan while simultaneously rotating the pan with your wrist. Keep doing this until the batter is spread all around the surface of the pan. It should be very thin. Cook for 10-20 seconds, depending on the thickness. Slide a spatula under the edge of the pancake and pick up. Flip over quickly. Try to keep it flat, but if you don't, just use a wooden skewer or something to get the edges right. Once it is all the way cooked, slide the spatula under the edge of the pancake and move into the holder or into the plate in the oven.

Step 6: Serving

You can serve them stacked or rolled, with syrup and butter, or FRUIT! I love syrup and boiled blueberry syrup.

Step 7: Enjoy!

Hope you really enjoyed this recipe and have fun making and eating it! Thanks for reading!