Introduction: How to Order Replacement Parts From Harbor Freight
This might seem like something obvious but recently, through not paying enough attention when ordering, I ordered the wrong part, it wasn't until I went back and looked a lot closer I realized the mistake I made so, I figured this this Instructable may help some other folks out.
I recently purchased a generator from Harbor Freight and wanted to order a spare carburetor for it. What I found out right away is that:
1. They don’t sell replacement parts for generators in their store
2. They don’t sell replacement parts for generators on-line either.
What it involves is calling into a 1-888 number talking to a live person and providing a UPC number and part number. Finding the actual part number can be a little confusing.
With potentially your lack of experience and/or the call center agent’s lack of experience you don’t want to end up ordering the incorrect part, so spending a little time to correctly identify what you want can save you a headache later.
And yes, many times you can find replacement parts on other on-line sites or sites that sell the same product under a different brand but narrowing down the actual, correct part – especially for replacement carburetors can be a hit and miss experience. I’ve fought buying incorrect parts for power washers, leaf blowers, chainsaws, you name it because I swore my part looked like the picture on the web and what I received wasn’t the same and had to start over again.
Step 1: Identify the Part You Need to Order
Look at your repair manual to see an exploded view of your particular product. If you have misplaced the printed manual, you can find your manual on their web site at the bottom of the page for the particular product.
Once you’re on the exploded view page, identify the part you want and get the part number – in my case 63.
Then find the parts list in the manual that lists what the part is – 63 – carburetor assembly. Again, this sounds like a no-brainer, but many parts can look the same and be two completely different things.
Next thing – get the product number. product number is on the front page of the manual, on the box it came in or in the URL of the ad on the harbor freight site. In my case its 59303.
Step 2: Identify the UPC and Product Number
Now go to this site –
Search for your product number – then scroll down the list of available parts looking for both the name of your part and the “Diagram-Ref” This is the part number from the manual.
Note the UPC number of your product 193175465535 and the part number 601755. You can also get the UPC number from either on the generator on on the box it came in - if you still have it
So, while we started with product number 59303 and part number 63. When we call into the call center, we’re going to use the UPC number 193175465535 and replacement part number 601755.
My particular generator has two different product numbers depending on if it’s a California only or 49 state emissions. I didn’t realize that. But the manual for my generator had the incorrect exploded diagram.
Step 3: Call Harbor Freight and Order Your Parts
Then call 1-800-444-3353.
Their call center is in Southern California and from talking with the agents they work in the call center or remote. Super helpful and shipping is free, and they will accept returns.
Hopefully this will help folks when they go looking for replacement parts and making sure you are ordering the correct part.