Introduction: How to Paint a Landscape for Beginners!

Looking for a fun and easy craft? This painting is perfect for you!

Step 1: Needed Materials!

First, you need to make sure that you have all of the needed materials to complete this fun craft! You will need washable craft paints (as many colors as you want but at least as many as the colors of the rainbow), standard white construction paper, a pain brush, a cup of water (to wash your brush), and a paper towel (to wipe your brush and clean any messes along the way).

Step 2: Beginning to Paint!

After acquiring all materials, you will want to open the darkest blue paint capsule and brush it along the top of the paper. You will then want to do the same with the lightest blue you have just underneath the dark blue. Do your best to blend the two together and work fast so the paint doesn’t dry immediately. I have put an image of my color palette to use as reference though the instructable.

Step 3: How to Stay Clean!

You will want to clean your brush between each color because otherwise you will have a mix of colors everywhere! To clean your brush, swirl it around in your cup of water and then proceeded to wipe it on your paper towel to dry it off. You do not want to paint with a wet brush.

Step 4: More Color!

Under the blue colors that you have laid on the paper so far, use your brush to get some of the brightest pink and stroke that onto the paper again trying to blend it with the blue as best as possible.

Step 5: Color Contrasting!

To add so,e contrast to the blue above, under the pink, add some of the darkest orange color you have. This will make the blue at the top of the paper pop and allow the pink to act as a bridge between the contrasting colors.

Step 6: Finish the Background!

To finish the background, all you need to do is spread some red under the orange to make an ombré effect into the purple you will put at the bottom. This doesn’t need to be perfect as we will be covering some of it up later with hills (landscape). Once you have the red and purple laid out and blended, add some yellow streaks (with the lightest yellow you have) to make the whole sky (background) pop in the places you want.

Step 7: Stay Organized, No Mess!

After finishing the background, you may want to change out your paper towel and refill you water cup as to make sure there is no mess! Reminder: keep your brush clean!

Step 8: Painting the Hills!

After letting the background dry for about 10 minutes (as to not smudge anything), you can start shaping the hills with the darkest green possible. I made three hills all overlaying each other. After putting down the dark green shape of your hills, add a light green to fill in the hills. Make sure to blen the dark green into the light green. It is ok the cover most of the purple. You can add some yellow to the hills as well to make it pop (but only a little!).

Step 9: Clean That’s Brush!

Green in a very stubborn color, so make sure to clean your brush again! Reminder: swirl it in the water and wipe it on the paper towel.

Step 10: Flowers!

As a finishing touch, add some flowers to the hill! I used a light orange, a light purple, and a light red to make the flowers. All you have to do is mimick the look of flowers by addding small dots to various places on the hill in various places (see picture above).

Step 11: The Final Product!

As the very finishing touch, add some light yellow on the perimeter of the hill! This will make it look like the setting sun you have painted is illuminating the hills from behind! And you’re done!!! You have a beautiful landscape paining for beginners.