Introduction: How to Play a Song on Your Yamaha EZ-220

About: I'm a nice person so follow me please.
These steps will help you play your song using the song book.

Step 1: Turning It On.

Some of you may already know this but if you don't look at your keyboard and as you can see on the picture look for the on/off sign.

Step 2: Putting on Different Songs

Once you have pushed the on button, the next thing to do is push the song button.

Step 3: Putting in the Song

After you pressed the song button, the next thing to do is get your song book and find a song you want to play. Then on the top left corner of the song book is a number and that number you can type in using the buttons on the keyboard

Step 4: Left Right or Both Hands.

Right after you you place your song, there is a lesson part L for left and R for right if your left handed or you want to try to play with your left hand press the L button if your right handed or you want to try and play with your right hand press the R button if your both handed (I don't know the correct term for it) or you want to try and play with both hands then press both buttons at the same time.

Step 5: Playing Your Song

Finally press the waiting button and then follow the red light.