Introduction: How to Record the Screen on the Samsung Galaxy S7!!
This Instructable will show you how to record the screen on your samsung galaxy s7
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Step 1: Open Playstore
1. Go to Apps
2. Go to Play Store
Step 2: Download Screen Recorder
1. Search for az screen recorder
2. Select az screen recorder - no root
3. Click Install
4. Click Accept
5. Close Play Store
- To close the play store, press the recent apps button on your phone and click on the X in the top right hand corner of the play store
Step 3: Take Video of Screen
1. Go to apps
2. Select az screen recorder
- Once you select az screen recorder a red circle with a video camera icon in it will show up on the left side of your screen
- You can move this circle around
3. Click on the red circle
- This will open a menu
- From the menu, you can go to settings, take a screenshot, record a video of your screen, record a live video of your screen, and go to search
4. Click on the button to take a video of your screen
- Once you click on the button to take a video of your screen, you may get a pop us, it says AZ Screen Recorder will start capturing everything that's displayed on your screen.
5. Select Don't show again
6. Click START NOW
- Once you click on START NOW, a countdown from 3 to 1 will start
- After the coutntdown you may get a notification that says "Pull down notification to stop recording"
-- If you get a pop up, click GOT IT!
- After the countdown, az screen recorder will start recording a video of your screen
Step 4: Stop Screen Recorder
1. Pull the screen down from the top
2. Press the stop button
- The stop button is a grey square
- Once you press the stop button, a preview of the video will open
- From the preview, you can, play the video, close the preview window, share, delete and edit
3. Close the preview window
- To close the preview window, click on the X
4. Close az screen recorder
- To close az screen recorder, pull your screen down from the top and click on the X beside az screen recorder
Step 5: Open Recorded Videos
There are 5 different ways you can open the recorded videos
1. Method #1 : Galllery App - Pictures
- Go into Gallery
- The recorded videos should show up under pictures
2. Method #2 : Gallery App - Albums
- Go into Gallery
- Go to albums
- Look for AzRecorderFree
- Open AzRecorderFree Album
3. Method #3 : Camera App
- Open the Camera App
- Click on the preview circle in the bottom right hand corner
4. Method #4 : AZ Screen Recorder App - Folder
- Go to apps
- Select az screen recorder
- Pull your screen down from the top
- Click on the Folder Icon beside az screen recorder
5. Method #5 : AZ Screen Recorder App -Menu
- Go to apps
- Select az screen recorder
- Click on the red circle
- Click on the settings icon
-- The settings icon looks like a gear
- Select the Video tab